Chapter 20

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Authors Note: Thank you all for reading my story. I am happy that you all have been interested in it. I have 79 fans, but I would like to get to 100, if I can. I hope this chapter is good. Remember please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! :) Dedications on bottom.

Annalisa's POV

           I sat there in shock, not knowing what to do. I was aware of my father having a tough time, believing he was the cause of war between my brother and him. A war over a title that was just a name which my brother wishes to be called; though that name means the world to our kind.

I did not know that my father was giving up already, and wishing me to take over. I knew I was to someday lead the pack, but I didn't expect it to be so soon, though my birthday is in a few days. I was unaware if I was truly ready to lead a huge pack like my father's. I was at ease with my small pack, but there was only less than twenty. My father's pack was more than fifty.

The pack leaned their heads forward in submission, as I walked toward my father. My father had his body slightly turned toward my direction, as he held out his right hand towards me, silently requesting me to take his hand. His eyes held not defeat, but strength and proudness.

I reached out my left hand, which was slightly, yet barely noticeably, shaking. Though we were a few feet apart from each other, it seemed like we were eons away. My feet felt like I was walking through quick sand as I slowly walked up to him.

Once I finally reached my father, I placed my hand on his. He softly pulled me forward gently, until I was directly in front of the crowd, beside him. I looked out toward them, showing no emotion of sickness, or weakness. The crowd was still bowing, but once I cleared my throat, they all quickly looked up.

Watching them stare at me in acknowledgment, and waiting for me to continue, my throat began to dry up. Whenever I was younger, I use to stand up here with my father during the meetings. I hated standing in front of large crowds, since I was always so fat and disgusting. My throat would always dry up, and my hands became sweaty.

I had believed once I got use to standing in front of crowds, I would be able to get use it. It worked after a while; once I was even brave enough to dance in front of huge crowds. Trust me; I knew how to dance, even before I became skinny. Though for some reason this was different, I was now their Alpha.

I cleared my throat one more time. "Thank you father for that small speech, although I did not expect this. Even so, I am honored to be the Alpha of the Dark Blaze Pack. Since it was such short notice, we will discuss this later more formally, but for now let's continue on with the meeting.

If you would all excuse my nervousness, for it has been quite a while since I have been in front of huge crowds. I may be fearless when it came to fighting and going up against rogues, but when it comes to huge crowds, I become a scaredy-cat." I said letting out a small laugh. Everyone followed me. When I was done, I spoke again. "There have been rumors going on that my pack is different.

That is the truth, though we will not harm you. I do know most of you know the legend of how werewolves came to be. Though, some of you do not. I know that you don't feel the need to learn history, but if you do not understand the history, then you won't understand what I am about to inform you.

The histories of the werewolves have many legends, but this is ours. It all started with a man from the Moleche tribe, his name was Mai-coh. He was a strong and fearless warrior, but he had not always been that way. When he was just a young boy he was despised of because of his unusual appearances.

His tribe was born with pitch black hair and brown eyes, while he himself had silver hair and blue eyes. The reason for his appearance was because it was believed he was born with demon blood. The white hair symbolized that his spirit was replaced with a ghost of a demon.

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