Chapter 10

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I am sorry for the delay, but here is chapter 10. Dedications at the end. Please COMMENT.

Annalisa's POV

Today was the first day of training. I had been up since six in the morning outside, just exercising and figuring out what I was going to teach them. I was planning to teach them the basic today, and if they are able to learn the move quickly, then I will teach them the advance techniques that my pack all knows.

My pack has the special ability to learn quickly, because we are all able to wield extra powers. These powers allow us the extra senses to do so. Normal wolves are not able to learn as fast as us, but I was hoping they can learn at least a bit quicker than some wolves.

It was eight o'clock when I walked into the front door. I smelt my mother in the kitchen cooking breakfast. As I was about to go to the elevator, my mother called for me. I went toward the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I sat down on a stool near the island.

"You called?" I asked, taking a sip of water I had with me.

"Yes, I was wondering if you started making breakfast for your pack yet. I know you were busy outside." She asked, flipping a row of eggs on a long hot plate.

"Not yet, I was just about to go make them their breakfast."

"Don't bother, come eat breakfast with the pack. I have made enough for everyone, and plus your pack has not once ate with ours. Soon they will be fighting together, so why not get them use to each other?" She said looking at me.

"I will ask them what they would like to do." I said with a small sigh.

"Why ask, not just command them? Your father does that at times."

"I will not force my pack to do things they do not wish to do unless necessary." I said sternly. No one knew the relationship I had with my pack.

"Why not? You are the Alpha, and your word is the truth to them." She asked frustrated.

"My word may be the truth at times, but the word of my pack has wisdom at other times. If I bother to allow my pack to speak, then I will learn, that what they have to say is wisdom, and at times more understandable then what I have to say." I said getting up. "I will speak with my pack now and ask if they wish to join you for breakfast. I will inform you on what they decide."

I walked toward the elevator. Once at the elevator I went to the second floor. As I was exiting, I bumped into Jayden. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt with red basketball shorts. I could smell his favorite cologne come off of his body.

I forced myself not to shudder or show any indication that his scent had any effect on me. I blocked my scent to hide the fact that a small arousal was starting to take effect when I saw what he was wearing and when his scent arise to my nostrils.

"Good morning Annalisa." Jayden said with a smile.

"It's Nalis now and a good morning to you too." I said with a neutral voice.

"Right, Nalis. What are we going to learn today?" He asked trying to start a conversation with me.

"You will have to see when we all gather today, now if you'll excuse me; I need to speak with my pack about certain matters." I said as I tried to pass him.

"Pack matters?" He asked, not letting me get pass him.

"In some concept, yes."

"Well then shouldn't I join you, I will become your Belta when you take over your father's position. Why not start now?"

"Because that position is filled, and you are not invited." Said a voice come from behind him.

We turned and saw Jennifer in shorts, and a tank top. She was giving Jayden a cold stare, while he was checking her out. I let out a small growl toward Jayden. He quickly turned toward me with a small smirk.

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