Chapter 19

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Aurthors Note: I am sorry it took me forever, with moving and trying to get things organized, I never had any free time, except for night, when I was dead- beat tired. Last night I was finally able to have free time, so I ignored my tiredness to finish this chapter. Sorry if it is shorter than normal, and if the ending is not great, but I hope you enjoy it. Please forgive me, and hopefully I will be back to normal schedule.

The ending is coming soon, with a few more chapters to go. I will be making a second book after this. This one will be in the WATTY AWARDS, so please vote for it. I might take a short break after this book, but it won't be long, so I don't get lazy. Please send me any of your opinions. Dedications at the bottom! Thank you for reading. Remember COMMENT and VOTE! :) plz

Annalisa’s POV

            Everyone stared at Tasha in shock. Nobody could fully process the information they have been just informed. Even I had been shocked at what I was just told. I knew she had told us that her brother was captured. I couldn’t help all the questions that were floating around my mind.

            “Your brother?” Dylan asked dumbfounded, but was the first to get out of his shocked state.

            “Yes, when I last saw him he was in chains, with a few rogues surrounding him with weapons. Armond had told me that if I wish to save my brother I would have to follow his orders. He had informed my brother the same thing as well, but I guess that was all an act to get me to do what he wanted.” She said with a sad tone.

            She started bawling on the couch. This wasn’t the first time I had seen her cry before, but it was the first time for everyone else. I could tell she was heartbroken and I knew she felt betrayed by the one she loved. When my brother and I were younger, we were inseparable, but after we found out who was going to be the next Alpha, he changed.

            I went up to her, giving her a hug in the process. I held her in a tight hug, until her cries calmed down. When she was finally reduced to small sobs, I let go of her. Dylan grabbed her hand, in comfort, though he did it subconsciously.

            “I know that you may not be up to the rest of the meeting, so I suggest you go and get a nap. We will talk later tonight.” I told her, and then I looked at the rest of the pack. “The rest of you go and train with everyone else. The meeting will continue tonight. I need to inform my father about this video, and what we just learned. Be sure the pack gets as much training as they can get, because the battle is near.”

            I got up from my position. As I was walking toward the front door, I grabbed the video camera. I didn’t bother looking behind me to see what my pack was doing, but I knew they were going to follow my orders. I stopped at the front door.

            Not bothering turning around, I spoke. “I think it’s time we show my father’s pack our true colors. Tomorrow is my father’s pack meeting, and he has invited us to attend. We will be playing our last game of “Trap the Wolf”, before the real battle begins. Be prepared, because we will be doing real training.” I closed the door, and continued to walk to the elevator.

Jayden’s POV

            I was currently in the Alpha’s office still being questioned. I was able to dodge the questions with ease, because by believing in my lies, I was able to refuse the command. Like some humans who are able to lie to a lie-detector, by believing their lies are the truth, that is how I was able to pass the Alpha command.

            I had been here since this morning, with nothing to eat or drink. The Alpha had finally got the chance to get his revenge. He was taking full effect of it, that I was actually getting scared that he will soon bring out the torture tools.

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