Chapter 14

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This might be short, but I hope you enjoy. The next chapter may be slower for me to upload because I have to draw out a background for a party picture by his weeekend. Plz forgive me. Dedications will be at the bottom, and Thank you all for reading my story. Plz COMMENT! :)

Jennifer’s POV

            If we thought training the Dark Blaze would be difficult, then we were just proven something else could be much more difficult. This was because our punishment is something we would never want to experience ever again. Not even if we to be given a second chance to live.

            A week and a half have passed since our punishment has begun. When we first heard that we were going to have special training, we thought we were going to be doing more difficult fighting techniques, but no, what we have been doing is even more difficult. Also very hard to pass.

            “Alright, breaks over, get your butts off the ground; time to get back to training.” I looked toward the voice and saw Alpha Nalis. “Well what are you all waiting for?”

            We all stood up off the ground. Walking toward her I could see she has been getting more stressful then before. She seemed to be always in a bad mood, but at the same time in a good mood.

            “Now Tasha has been going easy on you these past few days, yet you have yet to figure out how to escape?” She made a small sign. “If you are not able to escape by the time you go back to the basement tonight, then I will be forced to add more days to your punishment. And you will spend the entire night training. Do you understand?”

            We all nodded our heads yes. She walked toward the edge of the field, but not before patting Tasha on her shoulder, still facing toward the direction she was going. At that moment the field began to disappear and was replaced with a dark forest.

            I saw dark shadows in the bushes, but when I looked toward that direction, I saw nothing there. I heard crying from behind a huge tree and went to go investigate. As I was rounding the tree I saw this small child sitting down. She had her head in the palm of her hands.

            “What’s the matter little one?” I asked her kindly.

            She didn’t look at me, but she answered me in a sweet childlike voice. “I can’t find my mommy. I want my mommy.”

            “Don’t worry; I’ll help you find her.” I said in a cooing voice.

            “Thank you.” She said, then looked up at me.

            I screamed in both surprise and fear. The little girl’s face had rotten skin falling from her face. Her skin was peeling off so much that I could see her cheek bone. Instead of eyes, there were two deep black pits placed there.

            “What’s the matter? You don’t like my face?” The little girl said losing her sweet voice, and replacing it with a creepy menacing voice.

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