Chapter 22

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Authors Note: Hey there, I finally was able to get this done. Sorry I took forever, but I do hope you enjoy this one. It might not be that good, but please do tell me what you think. Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN! :) Dedications on bottom.

P.S. I want to get to at least over 100 fans, 700 votes, and 40,000 reads. Plz and thank you! :)

Annalisa’s POV

           Running, moving, blocking, avoiding, spinning, kicking, punching, these were the motions we all were currently using. Why you may ask? For the battle had finally begun. I was running through the forest, only seeing blurry visions of other wolves fighting.

            I was still in my human form as I was running through bodies, though not completely avoiding them all, as some rogues were trying to get to me. Trying my best to fight off these rogues, but at the same time trying to help others in their need of assistants, I began to follow the scent I was looking for.

            The number of rogues was above the estimated amount that we had thought them to be; though I could not figure out why, for we were given an amount. As my feet continued to move forward in the direction I wanted to go, I was thinking of how the numbers could have increased within a small amount of time.

            Then it hit me, they had some hidden help. They must have had some members hidden away, making it be a surprise to us if we had ever figured them out. They must have kept them a secret from everyone in their pack, only telling those who were of higher power.

            A rogue was charging toward me in his wolf form. Thinking that he can kill me if I was in human form, he went at a slow pace, trying to frighten me. I gave him a smirk, as I got in to a fighting stance. My muscles contracted, ready to be used.

            The rogue’s eyes showed anger; though deep down, I could see fear. I studied his eyes closely to see they were not the normal color of a werewolf. They were a deep color of white. Those white eyes were empty of emotions except for the obvious anger, and the hidden fear. I recognized why his eyes looked that way, making my hands tighten in a fist.

            While my attention was on the running wolf, another rogue took this chance to try and attack me from behind. It was a few centimeters from my back, but was quickly stopped by a member of the Dark Blaze pack. The rogue turned his attention on the young pack member in anger.

            Since I no longer had to watch out for the other rogue, I turned to the direction of the running wolf. He was still trying to intimidate me, though I soon grew tired of waiting. My hands un-tightened from the fist they were in. Once they were relaxed, I reached out from behind me to grab my katana blade out from the sheath I had attached to my back.

            The katana had a silver blade, with flecks of purple residue. The residue contained a mixture of chemicals that weakens werewolves. The silver does not weaken us, but it is the only substance that can penetrate our skin. The combination of both silver and the residue can weaken a werewolf enough to be able to slow down their healing process, making it easier to kill a werewolf.

            The hilt of the katana was a black color underneath the cloth of ribbons crisscrossing over the top of it. The ribbons on top were the color of silver and purple. The sheath of my blade was black with a silver wolf. The silver wolf had purple eyes. There was also a ribbon like area on it with the same silver and purple colors.

            Once I had the katana firmly in my hand, I began to charge toward him. I raised the katana to strike at his head, hoping to end the fight early. When I struck, the blade had not made contact with his head, but his arm, for he moved at the last moment. That did not stop me, for I struck again, but at his legs.

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