Chapter 9

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Thank you all for reading. Here is chapter 9. Please COMMENT! Thanks! :) Dedication on bottom.

Annalisa’s POV

            They were quickly running toward us. In their blindness of anger and cockiness of beating us, they did not sense the other pack members nearby. Timothy was able to block some of their auras, and scent, but not all of it. I could sense that Timothy was losing some of his energy because he was shielding over twenty people, and he had set up some of those sensors.

            “Just a little bit longer Tim, then once you release them, head inside. Protect those that you can.” I said through the mind link.

            He gave me a small nod, then we turned toward the rogues. They were five feet from the ones that were hidden. I decided that it was a great time to attack. We all got in a defensive pose.

            “Now!” I ordered.

            Everyone jumped out of their hiding spots and attacked the rogues that were closes to them. Some were able to escape the attacks and went toward us. Timothy ran inside the house as soon I had releases the order.

            A small scruffy brown wolf came towards me. I quickly shifted into my silver and purple wolf. The transformation was slow yet fast. The scruffy wolf paused for a few seconds after I transformed, but it was enough for me to attack.

            I went for his neck, but I wasn’t quick enough. It spun around and went for my neck, but instead it got my snout. I picked up my right paw and swatted the wolf away. It backed away a second before again trying to get to my neck again. I moved to the side; letting it pass by, then bit its back, causing blood to spill out of the wound, and into my mouth.

            It yelped out in pain. As I had my hold on the wolf, I felt a sharp pain on my left leg. I released my hold on the brown wolf and turned to face a red-brown wolf. It didn’t let go, until I kicked its face with my other foot. While it was distracted I got a hold of its neck.

            Once I felt the wolf go limp, I turned toward the scruffy brown wolf. It was on the ground yelping in pain. When its wolf could no longer deal with the pain, it released its hold on the person and they shifted back into its human form.

A young girl lay on the ground crying. I could tell she was the same age as Dylan. I went toward her crying form. When she sensed me near her, she flinched, allowing more tears to escape her eyes. I noticed she had scars all over her naked body.

“Please don’t kill me. I’m sorry; I was forced to do this. It was the only way to save my brother.” She said looking into my eyes.

My heart reached out to this girl, but I couldn’t fully trust her. She belonged to the rogues ‘pack’. I transformed into my human self, then I reached toward her and picked her up. I carried her toward the house, deflecting the other rogues coming my way.

Once at the house I opened the door. I saw Dylan with some women, who was binding a wound on the back of his head. He saw me and quickly ran to me. I held out the injured girl, who had fallen unconscious, placing her into his arms. He gave me a confused look, but held tight on her, but not too tight to hurt her more.

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