Chapter 5

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Alright Readers, Chapter 5. Dedications at the bottom. And Don't Forget, PLEASE COMMENT

Annalisa's POV

            The next morning around eight o'clock I was woken up to, yet again, knocking at my door. I sighed deeply as I went to go answer the door. As I was opening the door, I yawned deeply, and was rubbing my eyes.

            "Well, I know we are mates and I'm hot, but did you really have to show me your hot body so soon." Said a husky voice.

            I stopped rubbing my eyes and looked straight into forest green eyes. Hunter stood there smirking and roaming his eyes over my body. I looked down to see that I only had a bra and underwear. I had forgotten it was hot last night and I didn't want to sleep in a bunch of clothes.

            My face turned bright red. I quickly shut the door. I heard his laughter, then heard other voices come into the hallway. I recognized George's and Jennifer's voice. I found a pair of black skinny jeans, a black muscle shirt and my black combat boots. I love my black, but I am not gothic. Once I was fully dressed, I grabbed my stuff and exited the room.

            I saw George, Jennifer, Hunter, and a pregnant woman standing in the hallway, waiting for me. Hunter had a huge smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, and asked irritated. "So why was I awakened?"

            "You were 'awakened' because we are having a meeting today with the rest of the group, as you requested, Ms. Alpha?" Hunter said, asking for my name in the process.

            "Well, then lead the way." I said, ignoring his question.

            He gave me a small glare, but I just gave him a smirk. We walked to the parking lot, but not before checking out of the motel. As we were walking, the pregnant woman kept looking at me, with a huge smile. I didn't know what to think.

            Hunter and the pregnant lady went to a nice green jeep. I could tell he loved his car; by the way he had it cleaned. George, Jennifer, and I went to my car. Once everyone was in their cars, we began to drive to where we are to be meeting the group.

            I followed behind the green jeep, until we arrived at a small town like area. There was a huge three stories building, with many houses surrounding it. I could tell that some houses were empty, with years of neglect. About six houses looked to be taken.

            We parked the cars in front of the abandon mansion. Once everyone was out of the cars, we went to the front porch of the mansion. It looked beautiful, but has been abandon so long, that you couldn't really see its full beauty. I knew that if we clean it up and fixed it, it will show its true beauty.

            "The deed is in the town square. I can go with you later, and you can buy this place. I can vouch that you are an Alpha. They Mayor will only sale it to an Alpha, because he knows that if a rogue was to buy it, then they can control the whole town. The town is a part of the land that belongs to this house." Hunter said from beside me.

            I turned toward him and said, "Alright, we'll go later, but I need to first be accepted by your group. I will not take over this place without the consent of your group."

            "May I ask why? You are an Alpha and control us all if you wanted to?" Said the pregnant woman with a puzzled face.

            "That may be, but I do not wish to force the respect of my pack members. I want to gain their respect through my own terms. If I force the hand of others, I could not only lose their respect, but I won't have their trust. Without trust, there is no family, if there is no family, there is no pack. I was raised to treat my pack members like a family, even though I was not treated that way." I told her looking at her.

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