Chapter 13

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Here is the next chapter. Sorry if it may not be that good, for I had gotten sick during my camping trip this weekend. Dedications @ the bottom. Plz COMMENT! :)

Annalisa’s POV

            A tree has many uses. One can be for you to have some shade during a sunny day, or even have when you currently are looking for something to eat. For me, I am using it to hide from Hunter’s team.

            It was already ten minutes into the game. Tasha was in a tree nearby, covering my position. If someone was to come near me, she would use her power. She is able to place an illusion into one’s mind. For example, if one of Hunter’s team were to approach this area, she would make the illusion of me running away from this place, or make it seem that I am not even there.

            While we were positioned in this spot, Bruce and Anthony were out looking for Hunter. Since Bruce has the ability to read minds, he has to search for Hunter’s mind, which is quite difficult for him. Timothy has made the shield to be able to not block out the minds of my father’s pack minds. Because of this Bruce must separate their minds from my pack, then separate my pack’s minds to look for just Hunter’s mind.

            Anthony’s power is water, which makes it difficult to use it to look for someone in the forest. Because of this, he was there to protect Bruce from getting caught. If Anthony were to get caught, then Bruce could get him out of the trap, if he is capable of doing so.

            “Have you heard or seen anything?” I mind linked Bruce, but blocked everyone else.

            “Not yet……wait I think I found something. I will mind link you soon. Bruce out.” He said.

            I suppressed a giggle that was threatening to come out. Whenever we played this game, he always liked to pretend he is talking through a walkie-talkie. It sometimes got on some of our nerves, but this is the only time we really see him act like a child.

            Even though he acts like a child during this game, we never underestimate him. If he acts childish, then that means that he is trying to distract the enemy. One time when we played the game, I got caught because I had thought he wasn’t taking it serious. He proved me wrong.

            “Um…Alpha?” I heard Bruce’s voice through the mind link.

            “What did you do?” I asked in a stern voice.

            “I…uh got caught.” He said. I imagined he was scratching the back of his head.

            “How?” I asked.

            “I got near one of Tim’s shield.

            “And Anthony?” I asked.

            “Heading your way. He will meet you at the spot

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