Chapter 15

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I am sorry that I took long to update it, but I finally was able to finish. It may not be that good, for I had a small case of writers block. Thank you all for waiting, I hope this makes up ofr the wait. Dedications on the bottom. Please COMMENT! :)

Annalisa’s POV

            I was in the apartment taking a shower. I was scrubbing my skin as hard as I could, trying to remove Jayden’s scent. My skin was lobster red by the time I made it back to the bedroom to get dress. Jayden’s scent was faint, but not enough for Hunter to miss.

            I wanted to cry, I felt I had betrayed Hunter’s trust and our relationship. How was his wolf able to seduce my wolf? She always was strong willed, how was she so easily taken over by lust? Especially by the man who rejected us.

            Hunter mended our broken hearts back together, and I just crushed it. My emotions were having a parade of different festivities. I felt that Hunter would reject me as a mate, and tell me never to speak him again.

            I was at the closet looking for something to wear, since I was still just in a towel. I could no longer stand the pain of regret, and fell on the floor to my knees. Tears began to form at my eyes, and when I could no longer hold them, they spilled out, over my cheeks.

            I stayed in that position crying, unable to hear anything else. I had wrapped my arms around my knees, and my head was laid upon my knees, away from the view of the bedroom door. I don’t know how long I was like that, but when I was finally able to quiet my sobs, I began to hear much better.

            “Nalis?” I heard Hunter’s voice. “Are you okay love?”

            I looked at him handsome face, and burst out in tears again. How could I do that to him? How could I let her control me? I was a terrible person. I could tell Hunter was in pain, watching me cry, but he did not come forward. He knew what I had done, and didn’t want anything to do with me.

Hunter’s POV

            I was on the way to Nalis’s and my apartment, when Jayden came up to me with a smug look. I wanted to punch him in the face. I could tell he had just been with a female, for her arousal scent was still on him.

            “Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Hunter. How was your training?” He asked.

            “Fine.” I said with strain in my voice.

            “Did you have fun? I know I did.” He said with a smile.

            “It was okay.” I was puzzled on why he was talking to me, yet I did not show it on my face.

            “How is Annalisa? Was she there?”

            “No… Why?” I asked with a tint of suspicious in my tone.

            He gave me a smug look. What he said next tore me apart. “Of course she wasn’t with you all; she was just with me in the woods. Did you know she has her birthmark on her breast? I guess you wouldn’t know, for you both have not mated yet. But we did.”

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