Chapter 25

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Authors Note: I was lucky I had the chance to finally finish this chapter. I believe there is only the last chapter to go. I will be making a second book, but I want to finish with my schooling and so on. As most of you know, I have entered this story into the Watty Awards. I hope you would all encourage me and help me win. I would really love your support. I would really like your help with making my dreams happen of becoming an Author. Thank you all for bringing me this far. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the story. :) Dedications go to all those who support me. I love you all, thanks! :)

Annalisa’s POV

            Darkness… Darkness was all I was able to see. There was no light, there was no noise, there wasn’t even a sense of life. I continued to look around me, hoping I could be able to see something, though I did not care what it was. Yet as the minutes passed, I still could not see anything but darkness.

            It seemed like centuries pass, before I was able to see something. I was walking toward any direction, hoping that I was able to find some form of life, whether it be a bug or an animal. What I saw was a light at first, but as I grew closer, I began to realize what it truly was.

            A small garden-like area was in front of me. It was surrounded by the darkness, yet when I entered the garden; I felt a small sense of hope. Hope that I would get the answers I was looking for.

            I wondered how a garden could be surrounded by darkness, yet every flower and every plant was so beautiful and alive, that even an angel would feel nothing compare to them. The plants were healthy, yet the only water source nearby was a small pond, in the middle of the garden.

            As I grew near the pond, I began to realize that the pond was not the only thing in the middle of the garden. There at the edge of the pond was a wooden bench, and on that bench sat a beautiful woman, who looked to be staring at a patch of roses.

            Though I did not make a sound as I neared her, I was within five feet from her, when she spoke without looking at me. “Come child, sit down with me.” She said, each word leaving a small soft echo sound behind. “Do not fear me, for I will never bring harm upon you, nor anyone else that has a pure heart and soul, such as yours.

            I walked closer to her, and cautiously sat down beside to her, though I did not let my guard down. She removed her eyes from the roses to look at me. She gave me a soft smile, forcing me to release one of my own, for I could sense deep sincerity within her smile. Without knowing, I soon began to relax in her presence.

            “You seek answers, am I correct?” She asked me, once I was relaxed.

            “I want to know where I am. The last thing I remember is lying on the ground weak, because I had allowed my full power to be released. Am I dead?” I asked looking at her with confusion in my eyes.

            She gave me a knowing expression. “No my child, you are in between death, and life. You are slowly dying, but you will have the chance to live once more; if you truly desire to live, than you shall, but for a reason that is not yours. People wish for you to live, but others would wish for your death. I do not decide your fate, for your life is your own story to be written... Did you know that every werewolf is born with a hidden mind link?” She asked looking at the roses again.

            “Well yeah, that’s how packs communicate.” I said looking at her like she lost her mind, though maybe she had, for I did not know the woman.

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