Chapter 23

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Author's Note: I know, I know, I know. It took me forever towrite this, and I am sorry. I hope you are not mad at me. It may not be that good, and it may be short. Please forgive me. Everyone desearves the dedication, so here you go.

Hunter’s POV

            After the battle had begun, I had become separated from everyone. I knew which direction everyone was, but I could not get near them, for rogues were constantly attacking me. I felt as though they knew who I was. Each time I beat one, another one will show up to take the previous rogue’s place.

            The rogues would not allow me to pass to get to the forest. I was stuck in front of the pack house, unable to help my pack mates. After many came, I finally grew tired of their games, or whatever they were planning. When I was about to use my power on them, the front doors of the pack house exploded, causing me to turn toward that direction.

            There was a huge gray cloud of smoke floating around the entrance of the building. Even though it was hard to see through the fog, we were still able to see a dark figure standing in the middle of the fog. When the fog began to disperse, we were finally able to see who it was.

            Standing at the entrance, stood Jayden wearing shackles that hanged from his wrist, and ankles. The clothing he wore, were torn with deep long gashes, showing faint scar marks on his skin. Werewolves don’t get scars when they are hurt, unless it was really deep, or in his case, cut on the same spot multiple times.

            After he gave a full out confession to Nalis’s father, Alpha Silverman threw Jayden in the dungeon, where he was constantly tortured. Although I did not know what exactly they did to him, by looking at his wounds, I was able to guess. On his chest were long deep scars, indicating a whip was used multiple times. There was also evidence that he was constantly slashed with an army knife.

            Jayden looked around himself, until his eyes landed on me. His lips turned into a smirk as he started into my eyes. I gave him a glare, showing him how much I had truly hated him. As he descended down the small steps, I began to near him. I sensed he was the reason as to why I was not allowed close to the forest; his aura, indicating that he wished to fight me.

            Once we were a few feet apart from each other, we both got into a fighting stance of our choice. My body formed into the guard position of Tae Kwon Do, ready to defend of attack when necessary. Jayden’s body formed into the Neko Ashi Dachi, also known as the cat strike, which is a fighting stance in Karate. Once he was ready, I began to move forward.

            Knowing this to be an amateur move, I still continue to run toward him. I wanted the fight to be over quickly, for deep down I felt something bad happening. When I got near Jayden, I threw a straight punch toward his nose. By extending his left hand in the lower back position, while stepping across into the horse-riding stance and crossing his arms, he was able to grab my right hand with his left, and bring it towards him; this allowed him to use his right elbow and form the middle elbow strike.

            The force to my side caused my body to jerk back, but Jayden’s left hand prevented me from moving. Unable to move, I raised my left leg to do a side kick, releasing my hand from his grasp in the process. Without stopping, I raised my leg up to do a roundhouse kick.

            Jayden seeing what I was going to do, raise both his hands to do a cross block. Once my leg was suspended in the air, he released one of his hands to punch toward my groin area. I was able to stop him, once he grew closer, allowing him to be surprised. Using this chance, I shook my foot loose, and instead of going fully down, I bended my leg, to knee him on his side.

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