Chapter 11

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I hope this makes up for the last chapter. Dedications @ bottom. Thanks for reading and plz COMMENT

Hunter’s POV

            I woke up to the most exotic smell just floating above me, and I automatically knew who it was. My eyes were still close, as I pretended to be asleep. I sensed Nalis lower her body closer to mine. When she a few inches from me, I quickly grabbed her arms, spinning her around until she was underneath my body.

            “Not fair, I didn’t know you were awake.” She exclaimed with a playful, winy voice.

            “That was the whole point.” I said with a chuckle.

            I leaned closer her and planted a kiss on her lips, which she returned. The kiss was soft and loving at first, but it soon turned into a deep kiss. I tried to hold back my lust, but she was tracing her hands down my body.

            I began to feel my manhood start to awake, pressing into her body. I broke the kiss look into her eyes. They were filled with lust. Seeing her eyes like that I lost control. I began to trace her body.

            I began to kiss her again, but much more deeply, yet softly. My hands were slowly making their way up under her shirt. Once they found their target, they massaged her breast, causing her to let out a small moan.

            While my hands were having their fun, her hands began to make their way toward my manhood. When they were at the edge of my pants, they slowly entered my pants, heading toward their target.

            I let out a small moan of my own when her hand reached their destination. I broke the kiss to quickly slip off her shirt, reveling her beautiful stomach and chest. I lowered myself to begin making a trail of kisses up and down her stomach and chest, which still had her bra on. As I was about to release her twins from their chambers, we heard a soft groggy voice speak at our doorway.

            “Mommy, I’m hungry.” Anthony said while rubbing his eyes.

            I quickly fell off Nalis, who was trying to cover herself with the blanket. The lust that was in the atmosphere, quickly disappeared. I sat up in the bed and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

            “Anthony go to the dining room, mommy and daddy need to get dress first.” I said calmly.

            “Okay.” He left the room soon after.

            I got up and closed the door. I leaned against the door, with my hand over my chest. “That was too close.” I thought to myself. I turned toward my mate when I heard the sound of her beautiful laugh. I couldn’t help, but start laughing with her.

            “Did you see your face?” She asked me with a laugh. “You were so scared; I thought you were going to piss in your pants.”

            “I could say the same for you.” I said with a laugh of my own.

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