Chapter 3

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There you have it! My 3rd chapter. I am so so so so soooooo sorry I didn't upload it earlier. I have be so busy, between college and personal problems, my time kept getting taken from writing. Plus not having my own Internet, which sucks by the way, I can't upload as soon as it typed out. Please forgive me..... :)

Don't forget..... Comment! plz! :)

            It was eleven thirty-one. I was driving down a dirt road about two towns away from my town. I didn’t want to go to the train station in my town, or else they would have found me there. I was listening to a nickleback cd, when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I felt sick to my stomach. I saw a rundown motel to my right. I decided to pull over for the night.

            I drove up the rocky pavement toward the office. I exited the car, locking it on the way out, and headed inside the office. The office smelled like cigarettes and alcohol. I scrunched up my nose. The worst scent I smelled was old cat urine. Sometimes I hated super werewolf senses, especially smell, but at times it does help.

            “Excuse me?” I yelled into the empty office.

            “Hold up!” A male voice yelled from a door way behind the counter. “I’ll be there in a bit.”

            I waited for a few minutes, before an elderly man came into the office. “Can help you young lady?” He asked kindly.

            “Uh, yeah, can I please have a room?” I asked.

            “Double bed, single bed, or two beds?”

            “A single bed is fine.”

            “Alright.” He said typing into his computer. “And how long will you be staying?”

            “One night. I’ll be leaving in the afternoon tomorrow.” I said getting my wallet out of my purse.

            “Okay, well then that’ll be twenty-three, ninety-nine.”

            “Okay.” I took the right amount of money out of my wallet. I gave him the money and he gave me a key.

            “Room 12.” He said, while I turned toward the exit.

            The motel was a long building with fifteen rooms within the building. I quickly entered my car, and then drove down the building, looking for my room number. After two minutes of looking, I found it. I parked my car across the lot from my room. I grabbed a bag with my sleeping clothes and a few outfits for tomorrow. I locked my car, and then walked toward the motel room.

            After I unlocked the door, I entered the room. The room was a nice beige color, with white trimming. The room was small, but it had a nice sized twin bed, a small television, and a small table at the corner. At the other side of the room, I see a door. I put my bag down, while closing the door. I then went toward the other door and opened it.

            Inside the door was a bathroom. It had a toilet, sink, and a tub. The tub had a shower facet, that way I could either take a bath or shower. The colors were the same as the bedroom, but the colors gave it a nice calming environment.

            I closed the door and went to the bed. I sat down, trying to breathe evenly. The pain in my abdomen was growing worse. It hurt to move. I immediately knew I was getting close to my transformation. I quickly stood up and headed outside. I ran to the forest that was surrounding the area, and found a small clearing a few feet from the edge of the forest.

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