Chapter 16

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I am sorry I have not been uploading as fast as I have been wanting to, but here is the next chapter. Please forgive my lateness. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Dedications at the bottom and plz COMMENT!

Annalisa‘s POV

            I woke up in the morning in an excellent mood. I no longer felt the need to mate, and I no longer could feel the extra feelings of Jayden. Since I had two mates, I had always been able to feel both the men’s feelings, but to a certain degree. Now that Jayden and I are no longer connected, I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

            The time I awoke was almost eleven o’clock in the morning, indicating Hunter and I over slept. I could already hear everyone training outside, so I knew they had allowed us to sleep longer. Knowing this, I quietly and slowly exited the bed to take a shower.

            After I was cleaned and fresh, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for my love. We had stayed up most of the night to…unit our wolves. Plus we had to make up for all the times we should have mated before. I didn’t even get to eat the food he had made me.

            Once I was finally finished with breakfast, I went to wake up Hunter. Inside the bedroom, I saw him, on his back, sprawled all over the bed. I let out a small giggle. His hair was tousled, and the bed sheet barley covered his body. The bed sheet only covered over his private area, while the rest of his body was fully exposed.

            I walked over to the bed. I peered over his body, to look into his face. When I was directly over his face, his arms quickly reached out to pull me over him. I couldn’t help but blush at our position, which reminded me of what we did last night.

            “That wasn’t very nice, love.” I said with a giggle.

            “If I hadn’t of grabbed you, I would have been the one you would have teased.” He said with a smile.

            I raised an eyebrow. “Oh really; you don’t think I could tease you with this position?” I asked. I emphasized by rubbing my body against his groin area.

            He let out a husky groan, but before he could do anything else, I jumped off his body and ran to the door. I stopped at the door, turning toward him. He still laid in the same position, but underneath the bed sheet, I could tell I had gotten him aroused. If that didn’t tell me, I’m sure his arousal scent would have.

            “I suggest you take a cold shower before we eat. I don’t think you would want your buddy to join us throughout breakfast. Especially since he won’t be able to come out and play; at least until tonight.” With that, I left him alone.

            He ended up taking a longer shower than he usually took, before he joined me in the dining room. Breakfast was nice and peaceful. We did not speak, for no words were needed. We were just enjoying each other’s company.

            After breakfast, we joined the others at the training grounds. Throughout training, everyone in our pack kept teasing us about Hunter and I finally doing the deed. If I hadn’t have known how to control my facial expression and so on, I would have been bright red.

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