Chapter 12

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Thank you all for reading, and please don't forget to COMMENT! Dedications on bottom.

Bruce’s POV

            Alpha Nalis had called for me early the next morning. She had informed me that her father had wished to speak with her, Jennifer, Hunter and myself. She did not give further information on what it is exactly that we are to be discussing.

            When I arrived at her father’s office, I began to knock on the door lightly, yet firmly. A voice informed me to enter. Inside were Jennifer and Alpha Nalis sitting down on the two chairs in front of the desk, while Hunter stood behind Alpha Nalis.

            I walked up behind Jennifer, giving everyone a nod of greeting. I could see that Alpha Silverman was stressed out, but did not wish to show it. Too bad Alpha Nalis had taught us to know how to read a person aura, and body language. Also I can already hear a million things going on in his mind. If I were to pay attention to what he was thinking, then I could understand what he is thinking, but I must get permission from Alpha Nalis.

            “Now that we are all here, as you requested, what is it that we can help you with?” Alpha Nalis asked in a serious tone of voice.

            “As you may know, we have been questioning the rogues on who they are, where they came from, and so on.” Alpha Silverman said in his equal serious voice.

            “Is that so, then what have you learned?”

            “That’s just it; we have yet to get them to tell us anything. They fear their leader, more than they fear death. One or two of them have already asked if we could kill them, that way their leader won’t think they are betraying them.” He let out a sigh. “One has offered to tell us the information that we wish to have, but under certain conditions.”

            “Oh, who may that be, and under what conditions?” Alpha Nalis asked confused.

            “That girl you saved; the one that surrendered to you. For some unexplained reasons, she is able to refuse my Alpha voice. It is like she is immune to the command, like your pack mates. That is why she offered us a deal.”

            “That girl must be special like my fellow pack mates, and if that may be then why did she get captured?” Alpha Nalis questioned aloud looking at her lap in the process. She then turned toward her father. “What are the conditions she asked of?”

            “One is that she be protected and kept from my pack members. She is to only be seen by your pack members.”

            “Why my pack?” She questioned.

            “She doesn’t trust anyone in my pack. I have a feeling that there is a hidden meaning to that, but I am unable to understand it.”

            “Alright, I will have her in my apartment for the time being. Is there any other commands?”

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