Chapter 7

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Dedications on bottom. Sorry if it is not that good, but please enjoy. Thanks for reading, and please COMMENT

Jayden’s POV

            “Annalisa? Is that you sweetheart?” Alpha Silverman said like he was seeing a ghost.

            “Yes father, it is I, your daughter. I have finally returned, as promised. I am a new person. I am not that weak little girl who got picked on at school anymore. I am stronger and I have become a better leader.” She said to her father, but at the last sentences, she said it towards me.

            I stood there shocked. I couldn’t believe it, she is back. Her body has become slimmer and more firm. Her hair is still the same, except much longer, and she is a bit taller. I could feel her strong Alpha aura coming off of her, but not strong enough to force a Belta to their knees. I looked around and noticed all the pack members were showing submission towards her, except her pack. How is it they are able to not be affected?

            “Yes, so I see. You’ve changed a lot my dear. I am glad your back.” Alpha Silverman said hugging her.

            She hesitated, before she slowly wrapped her arms around his body. When they finished hugging, they separated. As they were separating another pair of arms surrounded her. I looked to see Luna Aleta. This time Annalisa didn’t hesitate.

            As they were hugging, Kara came up to me, and wrapped her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. I had wanted to push her away, but what is the point in hiding it now, she will soon find out.

            When they were fully separated she turns towards me. I figured I would see jealousy or anger toward me and Kara, but instead she smiles towards me. I gave her a confused expression. Why would she smile at me? I had rejected her, and now I’m in the arms of another girl’s hands, which is pregnant by my child.

            “Hello Jayden,” She said towards me. “I see you have finally settled down. Congratulations on your child Kara. I am happy for you both.”

            I stood there confused, as she came up to Kara, giving her a hug.

Annalisa’s POV

            It pained me to say those words to them. I tried as best as I can not to strangle Kara as I hugged her. Because I have not yet fully mated with Hunter, I still hold some feelings for Jayden, but not a lot. I let go of Kara and looked at Jayden. I reached out my hand, for him to shake. He shook it, but still had a puzzled face.

            Through the years, I have learned to keep my emotions out of my face and aura. The only one who was able to know what I truly was feeling was Hunter. I knew he can sense what I am feeling, but has not said anything.

            I walked toward Hunter, who was standing with my father. Anthony came up to me, begging for me to carry him. I let a small laugh escape my lips as I picked him up. I placed him on my hip bone, as I continued to walk towards Hunter.

            “We shall continue with introductions inside. I will introduce you to the rest of my pack members when we have all had a seat.” I said to my father.

            “Of course, let’s proceed.” My father said, “Jayden, Kara, and the elders, John and Charles will be joining us.”

            I nodded my head as we walked inside. My father and mother were the first to enter the house. I soon followed after them. The house looked the same as it was when I first ran away. As we gathered in the living room, I began to get nervous. Once everyone was sat down, except for my father and I, with Anthony still in my arms, we began the introductions.

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