Ash Ketchum Is My Name

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--Ash's POV--

Hi, I'm Ash Ketchum and I just moved to Vaniville Town a few days ago. Today is the first day I'm going to Vaniville High, the local high school here. To me, school is boring but my brother, Red, makes me go. He's the ONLY ONE I TRUST, besides my Pokemon that is. Some might say my heart is cold as ice, which is probably true. It all happened so quickly. Once upon a time I was happy and joyful, and now I'm an emotionless robot.

Me and Pikachu are best friends besides my brother, whose always there for me. As for my Greninja, we're exactly alike. We know what each other thinks and feels, mentally and literally. There's one difference between my and Red though. He's been over the 'incident', as we call it, that happened when we were both 9. Whenever I try to speak with happiness, my voice just comes out cold and emotionless, and the same with my facial expression. 

"We're leaving in 20 minutes for school because we'll walk there. That ok with you bro?" I heard my brother ask through my door. "Yea I'm cool with it," I answered trying to sound happy. "Ok good!" Red exclaimed as he walked away from the door. "Oh one more thing Red!" I yelled, and he rushes back upstairs to my room. "Yea what's up?" He asked as he opened my door. "Thanks for being there for me, always." I thanked him, struggling to sound and look happy. Thankfully Red knew I was happy. He replied with a smile, "Anything for you. We're a team." With that he left. I grabbed my bag as Pikachu jumped on my shoulder with a happy "Pika Pi!" Together, we left my room and headed out to school. 

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