Switching Pokemon

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"Ash wake up," I heard a sweet voice say. Probably Serena.

"Just five more minutes," I mumbled tired, turning on my side.

"C'mon! We're gonna be late for school!"

"Mkay  then," I said as I opened my eyes. I sat up on the bed and looked at the clock. 

"It's only 7 in the morning. Why so early?" I asked as I climbed out of bed.

"Because!" Serena cheered as she ran out of my room. I shrugged and got changed, then left my room as well. As I reached the stairs I smelled.... PANCAKES! I rushed downstairs and saw Serena eating pancakes, with a plate full of them next to her.

"Morning Sleepyhead," she smiled.

"Morning, I didn't know you could cook," I said as I sat next to her.

"Heh I can, hope you like it," she replied smiling with a wink.

"Hey where's Red?" I asked as I began to cut my breakfast. 

"I think he went to Gary's," Serena said as she finishing her pancakes, "I'll go get my stuff."

"Ok," I said as she went upstairs, leaving me to eat the delicious food.

Once she came back and I finished up, we headed out to school. When we got there, I saw Serena's friends along with my brother. 

"C'mon! Let's go!" Serena said as she took my hand and started to drag me to her friends.

"Slow down!" I whimpered, but she didn't listen.

"Hey Serena!" said the blue haired girl. I think her name was Dawn. 

"Hey everyone!" Serena said happily as we came to a stop. 

"What's that loser doing here?" Calem sneered as he stepped forward. 

"CALEM KNOCK IT OFF! I won't be your friend anymore if you keep saying stuff like that!" Serena spoke with an angry tone. Even I was startled by it.

"Okay jeez," he replied turning towards me, "but I still won't be your friend." I just shrugged.

"Okay.... what was that about?" May asked, confused.

"Uh yea that was weird," Dawn added.

"It was nothing," I simply stated with a smirk. 

Gary looked at me, then stepped forward looking really confused. "Right so what happened to you? What's with the smirk?"

"Who knows, maybe it's just one of those lucky days for me!" I said, stepping back so he wasn't on top of me.

"You do realize that you two are still holding hands, right? What's going on?" Dawn said as she pushed Gary away, pointing at Serena and I. 

 "Nothing happened!" Serena blushed as we quickly released our hands.

"I know you too well Serena," Dawn smirked.

"Just tell them," I whispered into Serena's ear.

"You sure?" she whispered back. I nodded as a yes.

"Ok fine Dawn something happened, but if anyone else has no idea only ask her ok?" Serena spitted out in a rush. All of the other boys just stood there confused, while only Calem crossed his arms understanding. 

"Wow at least Calem isn't dense. Boys are so stupid sometimes," Misty snickered, looking at Dawn as the blue haired girl was surrounded by the other guys. Gary went to say soemthing, but got cut off by the bell. 


"Yay school.... so awesome," I said sarcastically.

"Yea yea. Anyone we gotta go, see you guys at lunch!" Serena exclaimed as she dragged me to our first class, whatever it was. Majority of the school day was boring, with me falling asleep in some classes without getting caught. After school we parted ways, while Red went over to see Blue, leaving me home alone. I sighed and laid on my bed, not sure what to do.

'Go outside,' I heard a voice say.

"What? Who's there?" I said, quickly getting up.

'Go outside,' I heard it again. I hesitated, then left my room heading downstairs. I went out into the backyard and found nothing. I waited for 10 minutes, and as I was just about to give up I saw a green and a black figure in the sky.

"Rayquaza? I thought you two were in my Pokeball?" I asked looking at the green one.

'Arceus has asked us to deliver a message to you. He said to release all of your legendary Pokemon. Even though you won't have them in your Pokeballs, you'll be able to call for them whenever and wherever,' both of the Pokemon said through telepathy. 

"Alright. Do you know why Arcues said so?" I asked as I stepped inside to retrieve my Pokeballs. 

'We don't actually. But you'll still be able to use us in danger'

"Ok then. Everyone out!" I said as I threw my Pokeballs into the air. They all released and teleport away, as I heard many goodbyes in my head. I looked up at the sky and waved bye to the Rayquaza's as they vanished into the clouds.

"Now then.... I need to pick a new party," I said to myself. I went to my desk, looking at the rest of my Pokemon. I chose Pikachu, clipping his Luxury Ball on my belt. Next, I picked Lycanroc and Type: Null. Finally, I took Greninja, Lucario, and Arcanine. 

"Right then.... what next?" I said to myself as I clipped the Pokeballs on my belt. I sat on my bed and thought for a moment.  

"I guess I could go to sleep early today. That wouldn't do harm," I said as I drifted into slumber.

FINALLY! THIS CHAPTER WAS SOOO LONG! But the sad part is that the next chapters are even more longer *tear* sry for the slow update. I'm going to go start working on the next chapter. See ya then, have a good night everyone! 

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