Amour Amour

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"What was that?" I asked scared and hugged Ash's arm. "Calm down it's just Red. He bangs the door pretty hard when he comes home," he said calmly. From downstairs we could hear Red shout up, "Bro you home yet?" Ash stood up and opened his door before answering. "Yeah I'm in my room," he called out. Suddenly, Red appeared near the door then came in. "Umm... are you two.... a thing now?" he asked pointing at me. Then I noticed I was still hugging Ash! I let go and was about to say something, but Ash beat me to it. "Kinda, but if you tell anyone your gonna be in the hospital," he said coldly. Now that I mostly understood why Ash is cold his voice doesn't surprise me as much anymore. Though there were some parts I still don't get as to why he's cold 24/7. "Jeez calm down man. But I thought you weren't going to date until after you or we were done the mission?" Red said looking confused. "Yeah I know, but she didn't stop trying to talk me out of it so.." he replied scratching his head. I wanted to say something, but by this point I gave up and just let the brothers talk. They talked about Ash's scar a little then brought up the fact Ash needed to go back to classes. Ash said he'll go back to school, and with that Red left the room. 

"Its getting late already. Did you wan to go home or sleep over?" Ash asked turning to face me. "My house is far from here, so is it ok if I stayed?" I replied. He nodded. "Of course, but do you need some night clothes to wear?" he said as he stood up. I nodded yes, and then he went to a drawer and tossed me a black shirt and some shorts. "Be back in 5," he said as he stepped into the bathroom. I got changed and waited for him. "I'm sorry, I forgot your probably hungry. Want some food?" Ash asked as he came back into the room. I nodded. "Yes please."

We went down to the kitchen and grabbed a quick dinner. Once we were finished, we said good night to Red then went back to Ash's room. "Goodnight Sere!" Ash said as he started towards the door. "Wait where are you going?" I asked a bit confused. "I'm going to sleep on the couch so you could have the bed," he answered turning to face me. "It's ok if y-you w-want to sl-sleep with m-me," I stuttered, blushing deep red. "Oh uh ok then," he said and laid on the other side of the bed. I laid next to him. "Good night Serena," he said softly. "Night Ash."

I laid there for 20 minutes, unable to sleep. I sighed the whispered, "Ash?" hoping he was awake. "Couldn't sleep eh?" he asked while turning on his back. "Yea," I replied then rolled on my side, facing him. "Maybe I can help you with that," Ash replied getting closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me closer to him. I leaned my head against his chest. "Thank you, but could we do a different position?" I asked. "What kind?" he asked sounding more confused then cold. "Just turn on your back," I commanded. He did what I asked. I put my head and a hand on his chest. That's when I noticed he didn't have a shirt on. He put an arm around my waist protectively and before I noticed, I feel asleep.

Alright this chapter was short and simple. Anyway, I think I might be able to get one more chapter in before Tuesday. Personally, I loved this chapter. The amour is adorable (reason to ship it). See ya in the next chapter!!!

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