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Ha. You guys thought that last chapter was seriously the ending. 

6 months later....

Serena's POV

It had been 6 months since everything happened. Ash and I are having wonderful relationship, and no one has threaten us since Giovanni. Ash eventually told me everything that has happened a week after the incident, saying that I was taken and brainwashed and fought him. I felt guilty, but he had said it was ok since in the end everything turned out all right.  

Ash and Red have been training together more, and now both of them has mastered their powers. They don't use those powers very often, but Ash said it's just in case anything happened.

Nothing really interesting has been happening in school as of lately. The only notable thing that occurred was Lysandre having a rematch with Ash again. Once again Ash won, but Lysandre wasn't angry like before. Instead, him and Ash are friends now. The battle for training, and I must say I'm impressed. 

Red has also been dating Blue, and he's even given her a promise ring for a better future. It warmed my heart to see it, and I secretly hope Ash would do the same for me.

Today, I was hanging out with Ash at his home. We were watching a couple of movies and having some popcorn.

"What was this one called again?" he asked. I looked at the DVD box.

"It's called the 'Bride of Pokestein'. Apparently it was a hit a few years ago," I reply as I grab another handful of popcorn. Just as Ash opened his mouth to say something, the doorbell rings.

"I thought your brother was sleeping over with some of his friends tonight," I state while looking at the door.

"He is. Gimme a second," Ash said while getting up. I turn back to the TV and grab the remote to pause the movie. That's when I heard Ash gasp.

Ash's POV

When I opened the door, I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was... after all these years...

"Hello Ash darling. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" she said with a sad smile.

"Hi mom," was all I could say back. Tears filled her eyes as she hugged me. Mom was a bit shorter than me, maybe around Serena's height. Nothing was spoken as I hugged her back. This doesn't feel real, yet it does at the same time. I pulled back and smiled at her, and she wiped something off my face. I guess I was crying too.

"Is everything ok Ash?" I heard Serena call out.

"Yea, it's all good. Come say hi to my mother," I answered. I heard a small thud then saw Serena running to the front door with a shocked expression on her face.

"H-hello Mrs. Ketchum," Serena greeted.

"Hello there darling," mom greeted back. I brought them both into the dinning room for introductions and summaries of what happened.

"I'm sure you heard about the incident?" I asked her. My mother nodded solemnly. 

"Sadly I did. I flew here all the way from Kanto to here, just so I could safely look for you and your brother," she answered. 

"Wait, you were back home this whole time?! I've tried calling you for years! And what do you mean by 'safely' look for us? Father tried to kill me! And you didn't even help; you ran away with him! Red has been looking after me ever since and we're struggling!" I exclaimed. I felt my blood boil with rage.

"Ash. There's more too it then you know," my mother started to explain. I opened my mouth to retort, but she shook her head and shut me down.

"Please allow me to explain. It all started the night when your father shot you. After I put Red and you to bed, your dad called me downstairs to 'meet certain people'. I met them, and they said they worked with Team Rocket, just like your father. He wanted me to be apart of his little organization too, but I refused. I knew they were terrible people and I wanted no parts in it. Especially when I had two wonderful sons to take care off. We were arguing outside, when you and your brother came downstairs. That's when Giovanni shot you. He thought if he could kill you, then I'd have no choice but to go with him. Just as he was about to shoot Red, I punched him and fled. I knew if I touched him he'll go after me instead of the children. I was right. He chased me down and took me. He said that I would pay for what I've done. He took me to some underground base and hid me away in some sort of cell. I was able to unlock the door and find a telephone. I was more worried about you guys then myself, so I made a call to an old friend," she then turned to Serena. 

"It was your mother I called." Serenas eyes widen in surprise. 

"I doubt you two remember, but even longer ago you two went to a summer camp together and became friends. Mrs. Yvonne moved here to Kalos with Serena after that summer, but I still kept in contact with her. So I called her number, and luckily she was there in Kanto for her racing competition. I told her what happened and asked her to get you both out of the house. She agreed, and moved you both to Kalos. Grace had told me you were in the hospital during the move Ash, so they transferred you to a Kalos hospital. I doubt you remember that happening. Grace kept me updated as much as possible on your condition, and it turned out the shot kept you comatose for nearly a year. During that time, Grace helped Red get you both your own house so you brothers could live peacefully together. And during that time, Giovanni destroyed our home and kept me as his prisoner. It was hell living there with out you and Red, but I didn't lose hope in seeing you again. About 5 years later, Giovanni started moving around region to region. It had seemed he had forgotten about me, so I tried and barely escaped the based I was trapped in. I stayed with Professor Oak, but I didn't want to contact Grace right then. I thought if I did, then I would put you boys in danger. Then about 3 months ago, news of what happened here finally came to Kanto. I was devastated at what you all went through, but relieved everything came out alright in the end. I put some money aside, and bought a one way ticket here to see. Grace told me where you were, and now here we are," my mother finished her story. Neither Serena nor I knew what to say. I was deep in thought. The fact my father tried to hurt mom angered me, but knowing what she did for Red and I to have a better life meant more.

"Thank you," was all I was able to see. Mom smiled at me, and I smiled back. I felt warmth in my chest seeing her smile, as if my heart had soften. I grinned to myself and looked at Serena.

"Well, there is one thing I'm happy about," I stated with a big smile.

"You're happy?" Serena questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well yea of course I am. My heart isn't as cold as ice. My heart is as warm as the sun."

Ok ok ok now this story is over. Many of you were asking about what happened to Delia and if there was more chapters or another book and well this is it! Heart Cold as Ice is now complete! Thank you all for sticking with me on this crazy ride of a book. There be now sequel to this story and this really done. I hoped you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Before I put the book on complete, I'll go back and make some edits, 


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