I'll Find You For Sure

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I've been searching for five days. DAYS! Where is she? Where is she? Where she? Where can she be? Where she can be?

"WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE'S MY SERENA?!" I yelled at the Rocket grunt I was holding. He's from the last base hidden in Vaniville.

"I sw-swear! I don't kn-know!" he stuttered.


"Sh-she might be in Lumiose City! Something w-was transferred there yesterday! Th-that's all I know I sw-swear!" he replied. I threw him on the ground and started to run. It reminded me of the dream I saw. Something in the back of my mind just told me to run. To keep going and going.... and just never give up. Guess dreams aren't always exactly dreams. Maybe they're like visions instead.

I started to move at a faster pace. I had to get to the heart of the region, and I had to get there now. I need to find her. Once I got there, I ran straight to the tower. Everywhere was just innocent people, not having a clue on what was happening. As I ran through the crowds, I apologized to anyone I knocked over. I just couldn't take my eyes off the Tower. 

"Ngh... where is their base?" I whispered quietly. 


 A huge cry, most likely from a very large Pokemon, could be heard from the left side of the city. All of the civilians instantly became quiet, as they turned to face the noise. The land began to crack and crumble in different parts. It was hard to stand on, and others even fell down. Soon even buildings broke down. It was like an earthquake.

I noticed the lower part of the tower started to crumble into dust. Of course it was the side was on.  That's when everything just slowed down, like time was stopping. Everyone's motion slowed to a stand still. Everything and everyone was still. The closest people to me was a screaming woman and terrified child. Only one word was spoken.


My eyes widen with slight shock, as I slowly started to sprint. Time started to speed up as my pace went faster and faster. I grabbed the child and jumped back, sliding into the sidewalk. The moment I had grabbed the kid, the tower side crashed into the ground. I flipped over top of the young boy, shielding him from the debris. It was hurting my back, but I just endured the pain. Once the sound had become silent, I let go of the child and looked at the tower. It was in near ruins. I heard a cry of joy, and glanced to see the child hugging the same woman I saw. I smiled a little seeing that. I then stood and bolted to the tower. More buildings started to collapse around me. I ran through them, dodging any parts of the structures from hitting me. The pain in my back didn't make it easy, but I don't care. 

That's when a thought hit me. Wait. Why am I even doing this? It's not like it's my problem now is it? Couldn't I just run away like everyone else? No, I can't run. Serena. She's the reason. My love for her and her love for me is my drive to save her. She's the most important person to me. 

I love her.

She loves me.

I started running even faster

Serena. I'm coming. Hang in there. Hang in there

FINALLY AN UPDATE!! That's what ur all thinking right? Sry I haven't updated, but if u want to know what took me so long read my Thinking Journal. Pretty sure u won't but that's not my problem. 

So wow..... this is the final chapter from the original book. Not sure u may know this, but the original author, @LTShipper, has left Wattpad. Wish he was here to see the final product of this story, but maybe one day he will. 

Basically I'll be writing the rest of this story off script. Which means random update times cuz hey it's not easy to come up with ideas. I promise tho, I won't abandoned this story. Speaking of which, once again ppl, READ MY OTHER BOOKS! INCLUDING MY MUSIC BOOK!

Anyway that's it for now. See ya next chapter!!! 

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