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Serena's POV

We've been at the beach for like an hour now so most of my friends left except for me, Ash, and Calem (I need some buses and tanks) I let out my Braxien out of her Pokeball, while Calem released his Frogadier. Only Ash hasn't let out any of his Pokemon. Wait.... he hasn't even let out a Pokemon all this time? I think Calem realized the same thing because he spoke up and said, "Hey Ash! Release one or two of your Pokemon!"

"I think that would just make everything in this beach worst," Ash replied coldly, turning to face Calem. "And how would it make it worst?" Calem asked. 

"They would instantly break anything they see," he answered, turning his back to Calem again. 

"And why is that? You trained them that badly?" Calem sneered as he stepped in front of Ash.

"They like to train," Ash said cold but calmly.

"So they're that bad? They want to train more because they're so bad, huh?" Calem said with a smirk. That made Ash snap.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY POKEMON LIKE THAT!" Ash shouted as he shoved Calem on the ground. I just stood there, frozen, not sure who to defend.

Calem got up from the ground and punched Ash in the stomach, but Ash didn't even flinch. Calem started punching Ash in the face and he didn't flinch, but his scar started to bleed. That's when Calem went back to punching his stomach, and by that time I couldn't take it anymore. 

"STOP IT CALEM!" I shouted and ran towards them. 

"STAY OUT OF THIS BI-" Calem started but was cut off by Ash pushing him back on the ground.

"DON'T YOU DARE SHOUT AT HER NOR CALL HER THAT!" Ash yelled then started to walk away.

"Serena help me get up," Calem whined. I ignored him and started to run after Ash, leaving Calem behind. 

"Ash!" I called out, catching up to him. "Are you ok? Your scar's bleeding," I asked worried.

"Don't worry I'm fine," he says not even looking at me. 

"Look at me. I love you and I can't lose you. Now let's go sit somewhere," I said as I stepped in front of him. He nodded but didn't reply. We found a good spot to sit, which was under a big tree. Ash sat down next to it, having his back leaning against the tree, while I sat down on his lap. 

"We need to get rid of that blood on your face," I said looking up at him. Ash tore a part of his shirt off and gave it to me, not saying a single word. I took it and started to gently wipe the blood of him. I was shocked that the scar wasn't even open. 

"How is that scar not even open if blood came out of it?" I asked looking at him in the eyes.

"I heal fast. We should get going, it's getting late," he said looking at the sky.

"Can we stay here? Just this night? I know school is tomorrow, but we'll get there in time," I said.

"Ok then," he sighed.

Because I was still on his lap, I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around him. Ash took his jacket off and laid it on me, making me blush. I closed my eyes as I felt his arms wrap around me. It felt warm and nice. It doesn't matter where I go, he can still make me feel warm and comfortable. 

"Good night Sere."

"Night Ashy."

And thats that! God that ending tugged at my heart strings a little. Ngl... Serena's rly lucky to be with her bf.... I'm glad she can find happiness to be with the one she loves the most. And ik ik that's rly cheesy for me to say at all. Idk, but I do know that I ain't gonna be saying something so sickening sweet like that ever again in my life. I'm not that type of person. Out of all the characters in this story, I'm actually more like Ash (tho I don't have super cool powers like him lol). ANYWAY, see ya in the next chapter!!!

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