Calem VS Ash (part 1)

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The next morning I heard my phone buzz with an incoming text. I look over at my phone, and I see its from Gary.

Gary: Hey Dude! Hah! I got you number! (if ya wanna punch someone, punch Red) ANYWAY! Me and the group r gonna play basketball at the park near your place. Wanna join?

Me: Dude, we have school today. Dumbass.

Gary: Dude, we have fall break. Dumbass.

Me: What? I'm in only cuz I wanna punch ur face for calling me a dumbass!

Gary: U said it first!

Me: Doesn't matter!

Gary: Whatever. Meet us in an hr!

Me: Again, only cuz I'm gonna punch u

Gary: Bye

I sighed then put my phone, then went to get a shower before I had to go.

Serena's POV

As I was sitting on my bed, I felt a buzz coming from my phone, meaning I got a text from the gang. 

Gary: I got his number!

Misty: You just say that and don't even say whose?! Jerk.

Gary added Ashton Ketchum to the conversation. 

Dawn: Ashton Ketchum? Ash's and Red's third brother?

Gary: Red said Ashton is Ash's full name.

Drew: Ahahaa! That's the most funniest name ever!

Ash: Drew, ur the second one I'm gonna punch in the face.

Gary: Remember we're going to the park today! Well for those who can come.

 Oh that's right! The park today! I ran to grab my Pokeballs than left to the park.

3rd POV

Gary, Drew, Clemont, Brock, Paul, Calem, Ash, Serena, May, Misty and Dawn all arrived at the park around the same time. 

"Hey guys!" Gary called out as he threw his basketball to Calem, who caught it.

"Hey everyone!" Misty said as they got together. 

"Let's get started with the game!" Drew cheered as he took the ball from Calem and ran to the court. All the boys ran after him as the girls stayed on the side watching and talking to each other with Clemont, since he didn't want to play.

"Let's do 3 vs 3! Who's picking the teams?" Paul shouted as if he already won the game.

"I'll pick! Me, Paul, and Calem vs Ash, Drew, and Brock," Gary said, earning a nod of approval from everyone else.

"You're going down!" Paul and Drew said at the same time. 

"Let's just play. You guys can start with the ball," Ash said coldly, which isn't much of surprise by this point.  

"Fine then! Your mistake!" Gary smirked as he started to dribble the ball on the ground. Ash easily swiped the ball  from him and ran down the court. He passed the ball to Drew, who passed it to Brock, who passed it back to Ash, who scored a point. The game continued on as such:

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