Melted Heart

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There once was a story about a cold hearted boy

Who had a certain destiny within him

The darkness will rise / there will be lies

only the one can cease the darkness / the one who was heartless

with the water Pokemon that will go and GO / power nowhere low

the darkness will payback

this is the prophecy

of a boy who can stop this chaos

who can stop this destruction

he isn't alone

with the Pokemon

and the girl who melted his heart

that is the prophecy

And so the boy did complete his prophecy

His heart that was once as cold as ice

Has melted from the warmth of his love for those he cares about

He faced challenges beyond no one can compare

Even God himself could not have predicted what occured

The boy and his Pokemon went past the point of no return

With no meer limit to either ones power

And along with the girl who loves the boy as he loves her in return

They have proven that just a simple smile

Can melt anyones heart

No matter how cold or heartless it may be.


Holy shit man. Thank you to all of those who stuck by me during this crazy journey. This story has gone through hell and back lemme tell you. Honestly, this is the first story I've ever completed so I'm pretty proud. This story has gotten a lot of love and I'm grateful for it. Sorry if this ending seemed kinda bad, but I thought it'd be pretty. Idk lol. But just holy shit. This is crazy. I hope all of you loved this story as much as I did. Also please check out my other story if you loved Heart Cold As Ice! Thank you all again! This is Luna, signing off from the book Heart Cold As Ice! See you guys! 

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