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Ash's POV

I ran as fast as I could. Almost to the top. Greninja and Pikachu were right behind me thankfully. The only thing on my mind was Serena. Well then again, she's always on my mind. But what I don't understand is what Giovanni wants with her. The only logical reason I can think of is that he'll use her against me. If I'm right, that's bad news for both her and I. Bad for me because I might have to fight her, which I don't want to do. Bad for her because.... no I refuse to think about it.

Ugh just having the slightest thought of what could happen to her makes me disgusted. Raged. More powerful. I growled slightly, picking up my pace. I looked ahead and saw some ruble in the way.

"Greninja, use Water Shuriken to clear the path!" I called out. He nodded and jumped up, launching several shurikens at the trash ahead. Every once in awhile, the building would shake a little. Must be from whatever is happening outside.  Everything happened so fast it was pitiful. Whatever. Can't side track. 

Within another 15 minutes, I finally made it to the top.

"Serena! Are you here?" I called out. Nothing. I call a few more times, walking around. What in the worlds... I heard a very familiar laugh from behind.

"Well hello you to you to," I greet sarcastically as I turn to face the psychopath. 

"Hello mere peasant," Giovanni replied with a toxic tone. Somethings up. I stared into the buggers cold and lifeless eyes, trying to see if it'll give me any clues.

"You know exactly why I'm here. Give her to me. Now," I told him, trying to hold back my anger and bitterness from coming out. All he did was laugh.

"Come now child, why would I do such a thing?"

"Because you know I'll kick your ass if you don't," I said with a smirk. He just laughed again. What's his problem? He isn't all that powerful by himself. Speaking of which, all his grunts did flee.... then why is he still here?

"You want your precious little angel back? Fine then," he sneered and turned.

"Serena darling! Come great our lovely guest!" He called. What is he-

That's when the sound of heels clicked, meaning a female was coming over. In the shadows, an outline of a teen girl in a long dress could be seen. Her hair was short, as it seemed there was a small ordainment on top of her head. I looked on, and as she stepped into the light, the womans eyes were gray, not blue. But that honey blonde hair is what told the truth of her identity. 


WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LOOKI AT WHAT I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A CHAPTER HOLY SHIT IKR! Ugh it took too long to think of. Writers block and school makes life worse. Like I said in my Journal, I'm slowly writing cuz I'm busy af. Winter Break I'll try to type more, cuz after January my life is gonna get busy again cuz now I'm taking A N O T H E R college class. oh well. See ya next time!

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