A Smile

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" Ash, can I come to your house for awhile?"

"And why would you wanna do that?" Ash replied cold and emotionless as normal. I really didn't know what to answer because I didn't even know why I would wanna visit his place. "Ummm.... I-I-" I started but nothing came out after that. "I really don't care. If you come then you come. BUT don't try to make me your friend," Ash said probably knowing that I didn't know either. 

"Ash?" I started with a questioning face. "You ask too many  questions!" he threw his hands in the air. It sounded a little different from his normal voice, but I continued with my question as we walked to his house. "You don't have to answer, but please don't punch me either. What happened to your parents?" 

"Look we're here," was the only reply I got. Darn it. "Coming or not?" He asked with his cold voice. I want to try to get his frozen heart (not trying to make a reference!) to 'melt down', but I don't even know why so I just said 'Ok I'll come!"

He opened the door and shouted, "Bro I'm home!" and then Red came running down the stairs. "You brought a friend with you?" Red asked a bit confused. 

"She isn't a friend, she just wanted to come here," Ash replied giving me a glare which scared me a little. "Ok? Can I talk to you... Serena right?" Red asked looking at me. "Yea sure," I replied.

"I'll be in my room," Ash said as he started to walk upstairs, leaving me with Red. "You know that Ash doesn't let anyone in our house? I think you can get rid of his coldness and I can see that you have a crush on him clearly. Get rid of the coldness in his heart, and I'll let you be his girlfriend," Red told me happily. I blushed when he mentioned my crush on him, but now I have the chance to be his girlfriend! But still..... is that obvious that I have a crush on him? 

"Umm... yea, I can try," I replied cheerfully. A big smile appeared on his face. "Great! Ash's room is the second door upstairs," Red said. Wow these brothers are complete opposites. "Thank you!" I said as I made my way upstairs. When I got to the second door, I knocked. "Come in," I heard him say through the door. I opened the door and stepped inside. "So you din't leave yet, huh?" He asked as I closed the door. 

"Yea no, I wanted to talk to you about something," I answered a bit unsure sitting next to him on the bed. "And what is this something miss I-want-know-everything-about-you-what-I-just-can?" He said while he turned his gaze to me. "Can I ask you a straight question?" I asked first because I didn't really know what to ask. I didn't get an answer so I looked at him to see him staring out the window. I tried to touch him to get his attention, but when I touched his shirt he turned around and took my arm, pinning me on the bed. Those reflexes though! 

"Sorry, those were just my reflexes. Don't do that if you don't want to get yourself hurt or worst, killed," he apologized as he pulled me to a sitting position and then let go. I could've sworn that there was a bit of concern in his voice. "Yeah its ok but now, can I ask you question?" I asked him.  "Yes miss I-want-know-everything-about-you-what-I-just-can?" He replied. That nickname was getting really annoying so I said, "Stop with the name. Now, you don't have to answer this but what happened to you mom and dad?" After I asked he looked angry then...sad? 

"I'm sorry! You do-" I started.

"Nah its cool, I have to tell someone eventually." He cut me off. I was surprised that he's actually going to tell me. He exhaled then said, "So it happened a few years ago..."


--Ash's POV--

It was midnight and I woke up because of some noise, and my brother woke up too. "Ash did you hear that?" Red asked with concern. "Yeah, wanna go check where it came from?" I asked. He nodded and we went to the door. "Lets go!" he called out. 

When we got downstairs we saw our parents talking to some people who wore black capes and masks. "Mom? Dad?" Red asked them as we got closer. That's when... my father shot me right in the chest. They ran out of the house as Red started running towards me. After that, everything went black.

10 minutes later, I woke up.


--Serena's POV--  

"I can't say anything after that," he said while a tear was on his cheek. I started, "I'm sorry Ash I-"

"Nah its ok Sere. I had to tell that to someone anyway, but you tell anyone about this your gonna be in the hospital." Ash said while he wiped the tear off his cheek. I only nodded in reply. I thought he said, "Like I would do that to you," under his breath. I shrugged it off.

"Dinner is ready come on!" Red shouted from downstairs. Ash turned to me and asked, "You want to stay for dinner?" I was surprised but nodded smiling a bit. Then came the unexpected happened. The corners of his mouth curved up into.... a smile! It was small but it was still a smiled!

"Is that a smile?!" I squealed happily. "Easy Sere, it's not that big of a deal." Ash replied calmly as he stood up. "Yes it is! Like I know we just met today, but for a cold and emotionless guy like to actually SMILE is a huge deal!" I said while jumping to my feet. To be honest, I don't know why I was so happy that Ash smiled. 

"Oh before we go, can I ask one last question?" I asked when this weird question just popped in my mind. "Ok what is it miss-question?" he said with his cold voice. "Why did you smile, and could you do it more often?" I asked looking at him with a bit of hope. "I don't know... maybe it's because of you. I'll try to smile more but I'm not making any promises," Ash replied as he opened the door. I blushed heavy at his answer, and together we left his room.

*breaths in, breathes out* ok.... ok..... ik ik ik yes this chapter was late. But I'm not sry this time. I woke up yesterday morning to get a comment basically commanding me to update. I refuse to take that bullshit. Idc if you guys r impatient, but to a demand to update? Fuck that I'm not putting up with it. Monday, I was busy with homework, so like jeez sorry I have to do my work. Tuesday, was the worst day for me. Let me make a list of what happened:

*I hate Valentines Day so

*I nearly passed out

*I had to stay in the Nurses office and skip gym because I got a pounding headache

*My bf forgot our date

*Me and my bf nearly broke up

Should I continue? Yea. And guess what? I STILL HAVE THE FUCKING HEADACHE!!!! 

Guys please cut me a break. I was lucky enough to make it through the school day cuz honestly I thought I was gonna pass out. If your that impatient then please don't bother commenting for a chapter. That doesn't help. If anything it stresses me out more and it will cause even more of a delay of chapters. Also, I will no longer be making a schedule of updates. You're just gonna have to wait for updates. I'm tired of ppl being impatient cuz its not cool. I like happy comments, not demands. So yea don't do it again. *exhales*  ok I'm done ranting. Oh and yea I won't be reading any rude or hate comments ket alone reply to them so. Anyway see you in the next chapter.

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