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Serena's POV

I woke in a cold sweat, only to realize I was on some kind of metal table. As I tired to sit up, I couldn't move. I looked at my arms and legs, only to see that I've been restrained.

"What in the world..." I whispered. I looked above my head, seeing an endless ceiling. Am I in some kind of examination room?

"Well well.... our sleeping beauty is finally awake," a deep voice sneered in the shadows.

"Wh-who's there?" I stuttered. All I heard was an evil type of chuckle. I started to shake in fear. What's going?

"Oh my dear Serena.... all in time," the person replied. Then I heard a door open from behind me. The person laughed as he left, the door slamming shut. I shook my head. All I remember was going to bed, hearing a loud crash, a small poke in my arm, and now I'm here. Not really how I planned to spend my night. I struggled, trying to break free. The restraints were belts; strapped across me, holding my tight against the table. My shirt had been removed, leaving me only in my bra and shorts. My skin was being pinched by the belts, but it wasn't too painful. The table was freezing cold against my back. I can't stand it. I tried reaching for one of my Pokeballs, only to learn that all my Pokemon were taken. Figures right?

I sighed. That's when it hit me; where's Ash? 

"Ash...." I said sadly. I wish he was here to save me.... I don't like it here. At all. 

"Aww whats wrong Sere? Heartbroken that your little pathetic boyfriend isn't here to save you?" I heard some speak from an overhead speaker. I looked around as much as I could, but saw nothing.

"Up here deary," the voice told me. I looked high up, only to see a glass window that had been blacked out so I couldn't see who was there. 

"LET ME OUT!" I shouted. I'm not scared anymore; I'm just angry. I want out. I want to be back home, not in this crazy place. 

"Now now we can't have our little test subject leave us now can we?" the man sneered.

"Test subject?" What's that supposed to mean?

"Yes. We need some to practice our experiment before our prime target arrives. With you here, he will most definitely come. A perfect moment for us to take him down and accomplish our goal," he laughed.

"Ash...." my eyes widened.

"Indeed. I'll have good use for him once I strip him of his special abilities and his secret power," he answered in somewhat disgust. I glared at the glass.

"Just who the hell are you anyway?"

"It is I, Giovanni. Leader of Team Rocket, and soon to be conquer of Kalos!" Giovanni shouted with an evil tone. I couldn't believe it. That psychopath is here. I struggled more, desperately trying to break free. I need to escape and find Ash so we could defeat this evil man once and for all.

"Try all you want Serena. You won't be able to escape from that table, or even that room. I made sure to lock you up extra tight."

"Let me go you insane criminal! I refuse to be some 'test subject' just so you can hurt Ash! I won't let you even lay a finger on him!" I yelled.

"Oh Serena.... you don't have a choice."

Well well well it's been awhile since I've written a chapter for this book. Sorry it's been so long. I had no ideas of what I should've typed. So this is my first non-scripted chapter, that's why it's pretty short. I hoped you guys liked it. I thought that I might as well show what was happening to Serena instead of just focusing on Ash. Anyway, see you guys in the next chapter!

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