I spy with my little eye.... something legendary

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--Serena's POV--

It's been a week since I saw Ash, and since I've been to his house too. Actually Ash hasn't been to school in a whole week too. I don't know why but no one has seen him but Red. Though Red doesn't tell anyone where his brother is, or what he's doing. I'm starting to get worried about him. Even school has gotten to be boring without him. I hope he's okay....

--Ash's POV--

I see one of the many Team Rocket bases from my scouting spot. Oh yea, I should tell you what I'm doing and where I've been. It's been a week since I was at school, and during this week that I haven't been there I've been scouting Team Rocket bases in Kalos. Why? Because my mom and dad, well more like ex parents, are some of the leaders of Team Rocket. Team Rocket is an organization that tries to take over the world and steal other peoples Pokemon. Me, Pikachu, and my Greninja are gonna be the ones to stop these criminals. 

On my team right now I have Pikachu, Greninja, Dialga, Raikou, and Xerneas. I was chosen by Arceus and have captured all the legendary  Pokemon except for Yveltal and Celebi. I also have the abilities of strength, intelligence, speed, teleportation, aura, quick healing, and invisibility. Does my brother know about all this? Well he knows some of it. And actually, Greninja is stronger than my legendary. But enough about that.

I just got into a fight earlier while I was spying. I got cut which starts starts from just below my eye and ends below my bottom lip. It's easy to heal but since it'll leave a scar that'll be harder to hide. I stood up and started walking home since I'm tired as hell.

--Serena's POV--

As I was walked home I saw someone. No it couldn't be... Ash! Without thinking, I ran up to him a tackle hugged him. He looked at me. "Miss me miss-question?" he said coldly, but I could tell he was trying to be sarcastic. I blushed a little. I looked up at his face and noticed the huge cut on his face! "Where did you get that cut?!" I shouted as soon as I saw it. "Don't worry about it, and before you ask, yes I'm fine," he said trying to convince me. "I'd believe that if only you say it without that cold voice!" I said the noticed I was still hugging him. "S-sorry," I say as I let go. I looked down because I blushed heavily. "Nah its fine," he replied trying to sound happy, but it didn't work. "I'm coming to your house to take care of that cut," I told him giving him a playful glare. "Fine... you win." 

As we got to his place, we noticed Red wasn't there so we just went up to Ash's room. "So what happened?" I asked as I rubbed the cut with rubbing alcohol. "You have to be friends with me if you want to know. This way I can trust you," he replied coldly. 

"So we aren't friends yet? What can I do to get you to trust me?" I asked sadly. I hope we could be friends... or even more. "You can't, but now step back a little," Ash said. I did as he told and took a step back. Then his cut started to glow. He closed his eyes and shouted out in pain, but when he stopped the glow went away and the cut had been turned into a scar. I sighed in relief. "Don't scare me like that Ketchum!" I said and tackled him into a hug, causing us to fall on the ground with me on top of him. I blushed.

He stared at my eyes and a small smile curved on his lips. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, just didn't notice how cute your ocean blue eyes are till now," he replied not thinking. "Th-thanks," I stuttered while blushing. "No I mean it," he said leaning in. Without even noticing, I leaned in too. We closed our eyes as our lips were only inches apart. When they touched, it felt like time stopped. It felt like fireworks, or a shooting star. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We kissed for another minute or two then Ash pulled away, making me frown. "Aww.... did you really have to stop?" I said though he ignored me. "Thanks," he replied. I looked at him confused. "For what?" I asked. "For being my friend and.... for l-loving me. One thing though, we aren't gonna tell anyone about this or start yet. Savvy?" he told me. I looked at him sadly. "Why?" I asked. "I have a mission to finish first," Ash replied sternly. "What's the mission?" I asked. What kind of possible mission could he have? He's just a kid like me. He looked at me straight in the eye. "Stop my parents from taking over the world,' he said. "TAKING OVER THE WORLD?!" I shouted. Well that was unexpected. "Yeah," he nodded. I frowned. "Does that mean we can't kiss or anything?" I asked sadly. He shrugged. "If you want to, but it has to be in private," Ash answered. I smiled a bit. "Good. But what did you say about your parents taking over the world?" I asked.

"I'm gonna tell you, but first you need to get off," he said. I got off him carefully and stood up then sat on his bed.  "Hey where's Pikachu? Usually he's out of his Pokeball right?" I asked as I looked around his room. He shook his head. "He's downstairs chilling," Ash said. I nodded. "So how do you plan on stopping your parents?" I asked as I hugged him. "I don't know but I do know I can do it because..." he started to explain.


"... and then I can also become invisible," Ash finished his story. I was speechless for like five minutes. "YOU CAUGHT ALL THE LEGENDARY POKE-" I started to shout but was interrupted by-

Ugh... finally done. I am tired af. And I did something rly stupid just now. I was using my phone to finish this chapter, and then I turned it off with like needing to finish 2 sentences! Well I'm glad I remembered what the last bit of stuff was. Anyway here's the chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! See ya next time!!! 

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