Lysandre vs Ash (part 2)

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Ash's POV

What could this bugger be doing here? I thought he was just a normal kid. Small world I guess.

"What do you want Lysandre? I have something more important than you to take care of right now," I said coldly.

"You know it's funny you should ask that. I thought we should have a little rematch. Nothing wrong with that right?" he sneered. Something isn't right.

"Actually there is something wrong with that. It's called I don't feel like it," I replied, starting to walk.

"THAT WAS NOT A QUESTION! I DEMAND A REMATCH!" he yelled, stomping his foot into the ground. It left a small crater where he was standing.

"Ok ok fine. I'll battle you, but this will be short and sweet. I don't feel like wasting time and energy," I calmly stated. He had this insane grin and pulled out a Pokeball. I looked at Greninja and nodded. My partner understood and walked to the battle field.

"Oh what you're gonna use the same Pokemon again?!" Lysandre growled.

"Shut up and battle with me already." Looking pissed, he let out his Pokemon. 

"Gyarados, it's time to fight once more!" The Atrocious Pokemon came out with a fierce roar.

"Wow. You're gonna use the same Pokemon again?" I called out sarcastically. 

"SHUT UP SHUT UP! UGH IS ALL YOU DO IS JUST TALK?!" he yelled in full rage. He needed to chill. Now.

"Fine then. I'll start and end this quickly. Greninja use-" I started.

"No! Gyarados, Mega Evolve immediately and use Outrage!" Lysandre command before I could finish my sentence. 

"Damn. Dodge it, then use Water Shuriken!" I called out. Just before the Dragon type could hit the Ninja Pokemon, Greninja slid to the right side. He began to form two shurikens, turned, then threw them at Gyarados. The opponents Pokemon  cried out, then turned to face my partner.

"I won't lose! Gyarados, Aqua Tail!" Lysandre commanded. His Gyarados jumped high in the air, slamming its tail on Greninja before I could even react. I stared down Lysandre, trying to figure him out. Something wasn't right... he's going insane with rage and fury. But why?

"Greninja, watch your back," I said giving him a look. My partner nodded in understanding. "Now Greninja, use Double Team then Cut!" Illusions of the frog Pokemon began to form, and circled around Gyarados. Suddenly, all of them attacked the water snake with a powerful Cut, leaving Gyarados nearly fainted. 

"NO! THIS IS NOT HOW THIS BATTLE IS SUPPOSED TO GO!" Lysandre raged. Yea something is definitely wrong.

"Finish it Greninja! Let's show our power!" I cried out as we synchronized. I swear I saw Lysandre's eye twitch. Good thing he isn't that strong. 

"Water Shuriken! Full Power!" Greninja reached behind him and grabbed the shuriken behind him, as it filled with more power. Once it was huge, Greninja threw it at Gyarados, finally ending the battle. Lysandre screamed in frustration. I my partner came back to my side, and we walked past the red-orange haired kid.


"Hm?" I glanced back toward him.

"Why...why do you get to be so strong? Ain't you just kid like me? It's not fair... I hate losing. Heh, that probably explains why I'm like this.." Lysandre said in a somewhat sad tone.

"I'm not like you. We have differences, but there's one thing in common between us; I hate losing too. Which is why I can't lose Serena. Lysandre?" I turned to him.


"Have a change of heart. I'm sure with that, you'll be stronger," I stated with a small smirk.

"Right..." I turned back around, and started making my way back to the top of the tower. I'll be there Serena.

Lysandre's POV

When I saw Ash leave, I stood up and wiped my tears. A change of heart huh? Guess I could try that.

"Thank you... Ash" 

Yea yea I know it's been forever. I just haven't been on Wattpad that much. Honestly, I really like the ending of this chapter. I hope you guys do too. Oh, happy Fall btw! I'm excited for Halloween! Anyone going trick-or-treating? Or dressing up? I wanna know what you guys would pick for costumes! Let me know in the comments! See you later!

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