Calem VS Ash (part 2)

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"Hah! This'll be a piece of cake!" Calem smirked.

"Don't get too cocky," Ash replied as he looked into Type: Null's eyes.

"Let's do this! Draco Meteor!" Calem yelled out the attack. Altaria shot an orange fire ball into the air, making it crack into a firework display of those fire balls raining down.

"Type: N-" Ash started but was cut off by his Pokemon crying out in pain.

"Grr..... Null! You can do this! I believe in you!" Ash shouted in encouragement . Type: Null nodded, the stood back up, prepared for battle. 

"Dragon Pulse!" Calem called out, as a white and purple dragon shot out of Altaria's mouth.

"Hyper Beam!" Ash yelled as the orange beam fired out of his Pokemon's mouth. The two beams if light collided together, causing an explosion. Smoke was everywhere, making nothing able to be visible. When the smoke cleared, Type: Null was barely standing. Altaria was standing too with some visible damage, but it was clearly in better shape than Type: Null. 

"Draco Meteor!" Calem cheered, however the only difference now is that Ash was more focused in the battle. 

"Hyper Beam!" Ash commanded as his Pokemon started to destroy the meteors. What Ash didn't know though, was that it was just a diversion. 

"Dragon Pulse now!" Calem yelled. Type: Null had just destroyed the last meteor, but iy was too late as the attack hit it dead center.

"C'mon! Don't give up! YOU CAN GET THROUGH IT! NEVER GIVE UP!" Ash shouted the words of encouragement. Type: Null nodded as it gain more confidence, trying to stand. 

"Yes! Your Pokemon is down!" Calem boasted. However, Type: Null stood, and it began to glow. It was light blue as its shape began to change, meaning that Type: Null was evolving. Once its evolution was complete, and new Pokemon stood in the battle field. Not many features of Type: Null change; it was mainly its head and face. Its mask has been removed, revealing its face. On top of its head, three white feathers were sticking out of the back of it. Red rimmed ears were also visible, along with its mouth which appeared to be like a hinged jaw. The evolved Pokemon's name; Silvally.

"GRAAAAAAAARWRWAAAGAG!" it roared as its new power made the Dragon Pulse disappear

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"GRAAAAAAAARWRWAAAGAG!" it roared as its new power made the Dragon Pulse disappear. 

"Hyper Beam!" Ash shouted.

"Dragon Pulse again!" Calem yelled at the same time. Both Pokemon fired their moves, causing them to meet in the middle of the battle field. Once they collided, smoke covered for all the eye could see again. After the smoke cleared, both Altaria and Silvally were fainted on the ground. The battle was a draw.

"Both Pokemon are unable to continue! This round is a draw! Please send out your next Pokemon!" Clemont announced.

"Absol! Come out!" Calem yelled as he released his Absol.

"Lycanroc! Battle Stance!" Ash called out as a Midnight Form Lycanroc appeared.

"Again?! How many weird Pokemon do you have?!" Gary called out from the side lines. 

"Shut up Gary! Let's see this interesting battle without commentary!" Cilan huffed while giving Gary a glare.

"Let's do this quickly Absol! Mega Evolve!" Calem yelled as Absol mega evolved.

"Another mega Pokemon, eh? Fine then, the harder the battle the more interesting," Ash smirked.

"Shock Wave!" Calem cried out. A blue ball of electricity charged up right above the Pokemon's head, then a spark fired at Lycanroc. 

"Stone Edge!" Ash yelled. The Wolf Pokemon stomped its paw on the ground, causing giant blue rocks to form and build in a row, knocking the Shock Wave in a different direction, and directly hitting Absol. Absol flew backwards, but thanks to its wings in its Mega Absol form, the speed was slowed and the impact force lessened. By that point, Absol was barely standing while Lycanroc was is perfect shape. 

"Again! Shock Wave!" Calem yelled furiously as Absol started use the move to Lycanroc again. 

"Rock Slide!" Ash calmly said with a smirk. Little warp holes appeared in the sky, causing giant boulders to rain down on top of Absol. The boulders hit the Mega Pokemon before the Shock Wave completely formed, causing it to disappear and pin down Absol. Once all of the giant rocks had taken down the Absol, it went back to its normal form, meaning it was fainted.

"Absol is unable to battle! Ash wins the match!" Clemont yelled, pointing his hand towards Ash. Both Trainers returned their Pokemon and walked back to the group with Clemont behind them. 


"Thanks?" Ash replied looking confused.

"Congrats! That was indeed a very good battle!" Drew said while everyone clapped and cheered.

"Thanks guys, but Calem did pretty good too," Ash turned to face Calem, but the trainer was already leaving, waving a hand in the air. Pretty soon everyone else left too, as Ash and Serena walked back together.

"You really were great out there," Serena smiled, hugging Ash's left arm while resting her head  on his shoulder.

"Thank you," he smiled back, looking down at her. They walked a little more, and soon arriving at Serena's house. Before Ash could turn towards the door, Serena dragged him forward along the road.  

"Umm you do realize your house is there?" Ash told her. looking confused.

"Of course I know!" she replied, only making him more confused.

"And you're not going there because?" he asked.

"Because I'm going to your house silly!" Serena giggled, giving Ash a playful punch.

"Uh ok then. But just an fyi, Red is home," Ash explained as they walked on his front lawn. He opened the door, letting Serena in first like a gentlemen, then followed behind her closing the door.

"Hey Red!" Ash called walking down the hall, entering the living room. 

"Red?" Ash called out again, but when he turned around he saw his older brother asleep on the couch. 

"Heh, guess he won't be a problem," Ash whispered, kissing his girlfriend on her forehead. 

"Yeah," Serena blushed. They walked to the kitchen and made a small dinner, then at together. After that, they went upstairs and took turns brushing their teeth and taking a shower. Ash waited for Serena to finish up while he changed into some shorts. When she stepped out of the bathroom, Ash eyes widened in surprise. The reason? She was in her panties (but she was wearing a shirt!), causing Ash to blush. And of course Serena noticed.

"Hey you can sleep in your shorts! What's the big deal if I sleep in these?" Serena said playfully as she laid in bed next to Ash.

"N-no its not that! I was j-just surprised a little," Ash stuttered as he laid on his side so he could face Serena. She put her head right under Ash's chin, making her face go in the crook of his neck. The young girl rested her hands between them, as Ash wrapped his arms around her.

"Goodnight Sere."

"Goodnight Ashy."

And soon the young couple fell asleep together.

Ah jeez.... sry for the late update guys. I've been rly busy with testing and all. I'm kinda tired from working, but hey I don't have a choice! Anyway hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya in the next so see ya I gotta go start the next one rn.

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