Lysandre vs Ash

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--Serena's POV--

"Today you're all gonna draw Xerneas and Yveltal in any battle position or just the two of them there. Now, I know none of you don't really know what these Pokemon look like but try to get something out of these pictures," Oak said as he uploaded some blurry pictures.  One should some blue kinda deer looking Pokemon with its antlers in an X shape. The other one was red and its body was in the shape of a Y. Suddenly, everyone got up and got some paper from the professor. I didn't know what to draw and it seems that no one does either. What surprised my thought was that Ash started drawing right away.


I think my drawing was good and everyone gave their drawings to Professor Oak, then sat back down inn their seats. 

"Oh my, Ash..." he started as he showed the picture to everyone, and I was shocked to what I saw.

"Where did this appearance come to your mind?" Oak asked as he put the picture back on the table

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"Where did this appearance come to your mind?" Oak asked as he put the picture back on the table. "Doesn't matter..." Ash replied with that coldness in his voice and emotionless face. What was that supposed to mean?

"Okay then, class dismissed."

With that, everyone left the classroom. Next I had Pokemon Biology, which is boring as heck. While I was walking in the hallways, I saw Dawn out of the corner of my eye and I ran up to her. We talked a little and I told how well Ash drew Yveltal and Xerneas and other random stuff. Then it was time for class so we went our separate ways.  

When I turned around the corner, I saw Lysandre hitting Ash everywhere, but Ash didn't even flinch. It hurt to see him getting punch around. My mind took over so I stepped from the corner and yelled, "STOP THAT!"

"Well well well, so your little girlfriend came to help you, huh?" Lysandre said slyly and his group started laughing. He quickly moved to me and was about to punch my face. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but I didn't feel anything....

I opened my eyes and saw that his fist was just inches apart from my face, but Ash had stopped the punch by grabbing his fist. "She doesn't involve in this. Leave her alone," Ash said. He went ready to punch the bully in the gut but stopped when it was about touch. How good reflexes does he have?

"Why don't we do it like this; we'll have a battle. If you win I won't stop you from anything. BUT if I win you'll leave everyone out of this or your gonna wind up in the hospital. Sounds fair, right?" Ash said coldly and threw Lysanders fist away from my face.


"Deal!" Lysandre cut me off, "At the school yard after the final bell. Be there!" and he walked away.

"Hey are you ok?" Ash asked with his cold voice and emotionless face. "Y-yes, thank you!" I stuttered. "Okay then, lets get to class or we'll be late." He replied. "Right!" 

We walked to class and the bell just rang when we stepped inside the room. Thank god the teacher didn't say anything. I noticed that once again none of my friends are in my class, but it didn't make me sad. I wonder why? We sat in the last two seats again in the back. "Hello class! My name is Professor Sycsmore and I'm your Pokemon Biology teacher!" the teacher annouced.

The class went pretty quick, and I was surprised that Ash knew all the answers the every question the teacher asked, and he didn't even open the text book! I was shocked but just shrugged it off in the end. I think my crush on his is- WAIT WHAT! MY CRUSH ON HIM?! DOES THAT MEAN.... OMG I ACTUALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!! Ok ok I need to calm down. Anyway the class ended and lunch was next. 

As I walked to the cafeteria, I told my group about the battle Ash and Lysandre are going to have. We could hear other people talking about it too and they said that was a freak and idiot to battle Lysandre. That made me angry again. Am I getting angry because I have a crush on him?  Calem even started to call Ash a freak which made me even more angry, so Red and I slapped him on both cheeks. He understood why Red slapped him, but didn't understand why I did. I couldn't admit my crush so I just said it was because he called him a freak. 

The rest of school day was pretty normal, but now I know that Ash is in all of my classes. The only class I have with my friends is Gym with Dawn and Gary. Eventually the school day ended, so my group and I went too the school yard and we were shocked by how many people there was. I noticed Ash had a determined look and not that cold one like usual. I was confused yet happy somehow.  

Ash and Lysandre stood on opposite sides of the yard, meaning the battle was about to start!

"This will be a 1 on 1 battle between Ash and Lysandre! Trainers, please send out your Pokemon!" The referee called out. 

"Gyarados GO!" Lysandre let out the massive dragon/snake like creature in the middle of the battlefield. I was worried about Ash because I knew Gyarados was one of Lysandres best and strongest Pokemon. 

"Greninja! I need your help!" Ash said coldly as he released the frog ninja Pokemon. The Greninja stood silently, it looked amazing. 

"Battle begin!"

"Gyarados! Mega Evolve!" Lysandre shouted as his Pokemon began to Mega Evolve.

I was even more worried now about Ash, but my face turned from worry to confused when Greninja and Ash gave each other a slight nod. 

"Greninja! Let's become one and be stronger! Stronger, and stronger and stronger! LetZ GO!"  When Ash shouted those words, Greninjas eyes turned red and it became cloaked in a water tornado. It jumped into air and the water disappeared, showing Greninja who had a giant shuriken on its back while its face was colored with black and red. Everyone looked shocked, even Lysandre. That's when Ash commanded, "WATER SHURIKEN!" Greninja did what Ash said to do and before Lysandre could do anything, his Gyarados  went back to its normal form and fainted. Greninja landed back on the ground and it too transformed back to its normal form.

Everyone was silent until the referee stuttered, "Gy-Gyarados is unable to bat-battle so Greninja wins meaning A-Ash is the winner!" With that, Ash left the yard but everyone stayed. I ran after him leaving my friends behind. 

When I saw Ash, I shouted his name. He didn't stop but he did slow down so I could catch up with him. Once I caught up I asked, "What happened back there?!"

"I did that for you. However if you do anything to Lysandre to anger him your on your own. I won't stop his punch next time. Got it memorized?!" He said ignoring my question. But I was more shocked that he did it for me. "F-for me?" I asked while blushing. 

"Don't make a big deal out of it," he replied coldly. 

"Ash? C-can I come to your house for awhile?"

So I didn't have school today! I had a snow day!  :)  :)  :)

OK so I'm going to start the next chapter but I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to publish it tonight cuz its so long. Instead, I'm going to try to publish it b4 tomorrow night cuz I'm going to busy Friday night. I will also be very busy Saturday and Sunday so there won't be any updates then. Monday I'll be uploading definitely. As for the rest of my schedule, idk. ANYWAY HERE'S ANOTHER CHAPTER SO ENJOY AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE!!!

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