Meeting the Brother's

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-- Serena's POV --

We stepped off the bus and all of our eyes landed on some new faces. They looked pretty similar so I assumed they're brothers. But the younger one didn't express any emotion while they older one seemed more happy and j-

"I think those two are the new kids! But I guess we're getting two newbies instead of just one. And it makes it better is that the gotta be brothers!" Drew said, interrupting my thoughts. "Yea let's go meet them!" Gary and Dawn shouted at the same time, then they broke out into a run.

So when we arrived in front of them, the older one spoke first very cheerful, "Oh hi! My names Red, and this is my brother. We're here so can you show us where prof. Kukui's office is?" 

"Of course! First though we introduce ourselves. What's your brothers name?" I asked looking at the saddened boy.  "Oh yea, about him...." Red hesitated at first, probably thinking what to say. "Firstly, this is Ash. Secondly-"

"Tell 'em already! Stop hesitating like always! I know what you're gonna say, so just say it already!" Ash cut off Red. I was shocked by how cold his voice was, and I could tell the rest of the group was shocked too. 

"Ok ok... he's a bit cold and emotionless after an incident that happened years ago. Don't talk about our parents or make him angry. Only hurt his Pokemon during a battle, and he will only trust me and his Pokemon." Red said sadly, looking down a bit.

"Ookaay? So don't make Ash-Boy angr-" Gary started but stopped when Ash looked at him. "O-ok any-anyway... I'm Gary, nice to meet you," He stuttered. Then I spoke up. 

"I'm Serena and these are my friends Dawn, Misty, May, Iris, Cilan, Clement, Brock, Paul, Gary, Drew, and Calem (who should be hit with a tank)."

"Nice to meet you all, but we'll be late soon. Does anyone have a schedule?" Red asked. "Oh yea! Right, follow us!" I said and we ran to the school building.


My first class was Art, but none of my friends were there. Oh well, at least I like art so that makes me happy. When I got there, only two seats left so I sat in the back corner near a window. I let my wonder a bit, and that's when Ash popped in my head. He's a pretty cool guy, thought it seems he has alot of secrets. Maybe I should talk to Red about him. Wait why am I even thinking about Ash anyway?! Maybe I can try to get that coldness out of his heart one day.... he actually looked kinda cute and- WHOA WHAT?! I JUST MET HIM! HE'S COLD AND EMOTIONLESS! HOW CAN I JUST HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM THAT QUICK?! Or.... do I even have a crush on him? I snapped out of my thoughts quickly. Our teacher came in with....... Ash?!

"Hello students! I'm professor Oak, your art teacher, but you can call me however you like to. But now we have a new student, so please introduce yourself." The teacher said as he sat down behind his desk. Then Ash stepped in the middle of the front part of the class.

"Names Ash Ketchum, and this is Pikachu. Also, stay away from me," Ash stated coldly. I heard others whispering stuff like, 'He's a freak' or 'That's cold' to each other. That made me a bit angry, but I don't even know why I am angry. 

"Ok, good enough I guess..." Professor Oak sighed and he looked around for a seat for Ash. But the only seat that was open to me. Curse my luck.

"You can go sit next to Serena in that last seat," the teacher said pointing at the empty seat next to me. This is gonna be a looooong year... "Whatever." Ash simply stated as he walked to the seat next to me. I'm kinda happy he'll sit next to me though.... that doesn't mean I actually have a crush on the guy, right? I just don't get it... why am I so happy that the cold guy is sitting with me? Probably just nothing. 

As he walked between the other seats to me, something happened. The school bully, Lysandre, tried to punch him but Ash leaned backwards and dodge with ease. Everyone was shocked at that then Ash grabbed Lysandres wrist and punched him on the elbow bend. 

"AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGAAA!!" Lysandre let out a cry of pain. Oak stood up and said, "Both of you stop it or you'll get a detention." But the teacher didn't yell. If anything he sounded more.... scared? Thats when Ash gave our teacher a glare. "N-n-now..." Professor Oak stuttered and with that, Ash let go of Lysandre and took his seat next to me. 

What kind of guy are you Ash, and what are you hiding?

*bows over and over* I'm sry I'm sry I'M SO SORRY!!!!!! This chapter is so late guys I'm so sry! As an apology, I'll be writing another chapter or two and they should be published tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get a snow day from school to make up all these late chapters. So please enjoy this chapter! Again so sry for the long wait!!!

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