Beach Day

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Serena's POV

I woke up and saw that Ash was still asleep. I looked at the clock and it was already 10:30 in the morning. Good thing it's the weekend. I looked back at Ash, and decided to wake him up. I pecked him on the lips but I couldn't pull back. Ash had put his arms around me. We kissed for another minute or two the pulled away. 

"You have to come sleep over here more often," he said coldly, but with a small smile. I gave him a quick kiss and replied, "Only if you promise me that you'll come to school for at least a week." He thought about it then nodded. "Fine then. But, we still can't be girlfriend and boyfriend in public. Only friends. No kissing or hugging or anything in front of anyone. If you tell anyone about us, we're through," he tells me staring deep into my eyes. "Can we still kiss and stuff in private?" I ask, putting my head back down on his chest. "Yeah if we're sure no one sees us. But we should get up now," He replied while playing with my hair. "Yeah."


I gave him a quick kiss, closed the door, and left. I was walking home when Dawn texted me. 

Dawn- Morning Serena!

Me- Morning! 

Dawn- Do you have any plans for today?

Me- Nope. Why?

Dawn-  Well the whole group is going to the beach. You wanna come?

Me- Yeah! Of course!

Dawn- Btw I invited Red and Ash and this new girl named Blue. Red said Ash won't go but he and Blue are gonna join!

Me- Awesome! When are we going? Where do we meet?

Dawn- We're going to meet at Mays place in an hour

Me- Ok!  I'm gonna go home now, see you!

Dawn- WAIT!!

Me- What?

Dawn- Going home? You were somewhere else last night?

Me- Uhh... yes

Dawn- WHERE?!

Me- I can't tell you!

Dawn-  A new crush huh... Good luck ;) Bye


After that I was a blushing mess. I wanted Ash to come with us to the beach even though we can't do anything in front of our fr- I mean, my friends. Still, I decided to text him to see if I can get him to join.

Me- Hey

It took 5 minutes for him to respond.

Ash- Hey, wazzup?

Me- You heard that Red, this new girl, and my group are going to beach right? You coming with?

Ash- Nah I'm not going.

Me- Cmon please?

Ash- Nope, sorry

Me- Please, for me?

Ash- No

Me- Awww please Ash!?

Ash- Your not giving up, are you?

Me- Nope ;)

Ash- Then I guess I have to come then

Me- Awesome! See you at Mays!

Ash- See you in half an hour!

WAIT WHAT? HALF HOUR!? I HAVE TO HURRY! I rushed in my house and greeted my mom, telling her I was going out with my friends. I put on my swim suit and then my regular clothes as a cover up. I rushed to Mays and saw everyone was there except the Ketchum brothers, nor Blue.

"Goog, I-I'm not the last one," I panted. "Yeah, but what took you so long? Normally your the first one," Misty asked giving me a confused look. "Umm..." I started. I couldn't tell them that I texted Ash for almost 20 minutes. 

That's when Ash, Red, and the new girl was behind them came. Ash leaned against the tree in the yard while Red and the girl came over to us.


"And I'm Serena," I said waving. Gary turned to Ash. "Hey dude I thought you weren't coming?" He shrugged. "My Pokemon wanted to swim," he replied coldly, giving me a look. 

"Let's go!" Misty while starting to walk towards thew beach. "Why would we walk?" Red asked. "Yea lets take a bus. It'll be faster," Drew answered. "No that's not what I meant," Red started to explain, "what I meant was that we could fly there with our flying Pokemon." He reached for a Pokeball and released a huge Charizard. "Chaaar!" it cried out. Ash nodded. "Yea I'm with ya," he said, the released a Charizard that was bigger than Reds. "CHAAAAAARR!!" it cried out loudly while letting out a small flamethrower. "Now that's an idea!" Drew said and let out his Flygon.

Everyone else agreed and let out their flying types, except me since I don't have one. "I don't have a flying type," I said looking down. "Ash has the larger flying type, so go with him," Dawn said winking at me causing me to blush. "I-If that's ok with you Ash," I said looking at him. He didn't reply, but instead he extended his hand out for me. I grab on and he pulls me on his Charizard, making me sit behind him. I wrapped my arms around him so I wouldn't fall, and the we flew high into the sky.  

OK so thats that! I'll be typing the next chapter tomorrow, and then maybe another one on Sunday since I haven't done a chapter all this week *laughs nervously* Anyway, see you in the next chapter!!! 

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