The Tale Of Two Brothers

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Ash's POV

"Hey Ash!" I heard someone call out. I turned around to see Red. I looked at him as he came up to me.

"Jeez did you forget about me, little brother?" He sighed with a grin. I smiled back.

"Nah. I just felt like getting ahead," I replied.

"Very funny," he said then looked at Serena in my arms. "That's Serena yea? She ok?"

"Well she will be, I hope. Giovanni had her under a mind control, but as you can see," I explained the pointed back to where the tower was.

"Holy karp. At least our main issue has probably been taking care," he said with wide eyes. I was about to open my mouth to say something but I got interrupted by hearing crashing buildings and Zygardes cry. My brother and I just stood there I shock. It didn't to be in some sort of control, but it doesn't explain why the legendary Pokemon was here. I took out my pokedex and read the bio for it. 

Zygarde: When the Kalos region's ecosystem falls into disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power.

Ecosystem falls into disarray? What was that supposed to mean? I looked around. The nature around here wasn't corrupted or anything.

"Hey Red. Pokedex says Zygarde shows up when the ecosystem is messed up. Did you see anything weird on your way here?" I asked.

"Nope. Everything looked normal to me," he replied. I frowned and closed my eyes. Using my aura, I tired to sense where anything could be in danger. I quickly found that there was evil energy coming from Lumiose Tower once stood. I snapped open my eyes and looked at Serena. She was still unconscious, and through my aura I could see she had some of that evil energy in her.

"I get it now. Giovanni must have used some type of power from the Kalos ecosystem to make the mind control that affected Serena," I explained to my older brother. I saw him think for a moment.

"Ash, you didn't happen to see mom in there did you?" he questioned. Now that I think about it, she wasn't there at all. I shook my head no.

"Thought so. Hear me out; what if the same device that controlled Serena was also controlling mom?" he thought aloud. I widen my eyes. It all makes sense! Mom wasn't apart of Team Rocket until one day she just snapped and became leader! I gave Serena to my brother.

"Well if you're right, I have to get rid of whatever evil energy is in there. That way we can get both mom and Serena back. Please watch over and protect her," I stated. Red gave me a toothy grin and nodded. I nodded back, then let Greninja out of its Pokeball. With Pikachu on my shoulder and Greninja by my side, I used my extreme speed to rush to the tower. Upon getting there I used my strength to push aside some of the broken building, only to find a hatch underneath some of it. I commanded Greninja to use Cut to break then chains, then threw aside the door. We looked down to see a landing, then jumped in.

Once we hit the floor, I heard Pikachu gasp. He had a good reason to. This whole basement... it was a huge laboratory. 

In the middle of the lab, there was a hole in the ground with a drill hanging above it. I walked towards it, and took a peek. It was pretty deep, and there was some type of red liquid in it. I held out my hand, and from my aura, I learned that was the energy.

"Here we go... now how to destroy it is the question," I pondered aloud. We looked around the lab for any clues. All we could find was that the energy was in fact hooked up to the controlling device. I sighed. This doesn't make a whole lot of since... how are we supposed to destroy energy?

"Hey Ash! Did you find anything?" I heard Red call out. I looked up and saw his face. I waved.

"Yea! We found the energy, and it's hooked up to the machine! We're not sure how to destroy it though!" I yelled back. He didn't say anything right away, meaning that he was thinking.

"Ok I got two ideas; one is where you and I both use our powers and the other is where we get Zygarde to come and destroy, since that's its job," Red planned. I thought for a moment. Both my brother and I are very powerful, but who's to say we'll succeed? And while it's Zygardes job to keep the eco system in check, can he win as well?

"Ok, here's what we'll do."

Guess who? Yep it's me. I bet you guys forgot about Red and theirs powers didn't you? BUT GUESS AGAIN! Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. See ya

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