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Ash's POV

I ran and ran all over the city. How is there not even a trace of her?! She couldn't just disappear like that. There's no way. No way at all. Faster and faster. She has to be here. 

I was in Lumiose City, where I was told she was taken to. But where in Lumiose could she be hidden in? It's not like its a small city. As I ran, I began thinking of all the places where she could be. I mean, where would a criminal organization hide people and Pokemon..... that's it. I stopped running, and looked at the tower. Lumiose Tower. She's in there. 

"Greninja, I choose you!" I shouted as I let my partner out. I was going to need all the help I could get. 

"Lets go." We started running towards the tower. Greninja on my left, and Pikachu clinging on to my right shoulder. As we ran, more building around the area came crashing down. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a giant snake like Pokemon slithering through the streets. What could that be?

I shook my head, getting back on track. I need to save Serena first, then I'll deal with everything else. We slide to a stop in front of the massive tower. However, the main entrance was blocked off by rubble. 

"How can we get in..." I wondered. I looked around, until I heard Greninja give out a sharp cry. I turned to where he was, seeing he was pointing to something. I walked over and saw a ladder the was attached the side of the tower. However, it was high up to just start climbing it. I sighed.

"Ok if we climb up the broken parts carefully, we'll probably be able to jump and grab that ladder. Once I get a hold of it, we'll go up. Sound good?" I asked. Both Pokemon nodded in agreement. I grinned and started climbing on the debris. Higher and higher. Once I got close, I made a jump for the ladder, successfully grabbing onto it. Greninja was right behind me as we quickly scaled it. After about five minutes, I saw a small landing are to my right. I jumped to it, hitting the ground without a scratch. Under a second, Greninja was by my side, as we started running inside. Where could she be?

 I heard voices from up ahead, so we hid in the corner. It seemed to be grunts talking about what was going on, whatever WAS actually happening because I have no clue. They mentioned Giovanni, something called Zygarde, my brother and I, and a honey blonde haired girl. Serena. I clenched my fist at the sound of her description, but Greninja held me back from attacking. 

"Greninja, we need to defeat them to find her," I simply stated. Thankfully he agreed.  

I stepped out behind the grunts and shouted, "Greninja, use Water Shuriken!" The water type move hit each and every grunt, knocking them flat on their butts. But more of them came out, grabbing Pokeballs. 

"LETZ GO!" I yelled as Greninja transformed. The frog Pokemon reached behind him, grabbing the giant Water Shuriken from his back, and throwing it at the enemies. None of them stood back up. We continued on, not completely sure where to go. More explosions could be heard from outside; hopefully the building will stay standing long enough to find Serena and get her out. 

We ran further, and eventually we hit the fifth floor. But as we rounded the corner, I could see the silhouette of someone with the hair the sort of resembled a lions mane. His hands were on his hips, ready to fight. I looked closely at him. No way... it couldn't be.

"Hello, Ash. Ready for a rematch?" he laughed.


Hi yes it's me and I got a chapter!!! I'm sorry for it being super late, but my Color Guard practice started, along with more drama of course. I'm also sorry this chapter is kinda short, but I couldn't really think of much to add. I do know the next one will be longer cuz yay battling. 


Anyway, see you guys in the next chapter!!! 

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