Chapter 2

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*One Week Later*

"Do we have to go?" Riley wined.

It was their first day back to school after summer break. Neither of them were excited but they had to go, it was there last year. After this year they were both out of Compton.

"Yes we do. How do you expect us to get out of here without finishing school?" Aubrey said.

"You can sing."

"That doesn't mean shit, not everyone with a good voice gets signed. And what about your ass, I'm not supporting your ass the rest of my life." He joked.

"I'll just be a stripper." She laughed as they approached the run down school.

"Just like every other girl here." He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Riley was about to say something when some called them out.

"Drake?" They both froze at the voice, they knew who it was. "What's up baby I haven't seen you around in awhile." That was the one and only Jade. She was the popular girl in school, with her two clones, Cassie and Amber. To Riley and Aubrey they were really just whores that wanted attention. Aubrey turned around and gave her a fake smile.

"Hey Jade." He said. She glared at Riley, they hated each other. Jade had always wanted Aubrey, he just wouldn't let that happen. She blamed Riley for that, she thought Riley stole Aubrey from her.

"So Drake where have you been?" Jade spoke again, her clones were trained not to say anything.

"Um, around." He really didn't want to talk to her.

"Around? That's it?" She asked. "What classes do you have this year?"

She grabbed his schedule and read over it. He didn't want to be rude so he just let her. "Oh good with have 2 classes together. Will you sit next to me?"

"Well you see me and Riley will be sitting together." Riley contained her laugher. She was making a fool of herself. Aubrey and Riley adjusted their classes so they would always be together.

"You guys don't have every class together. And I didn't tell you what classes yet." She thought she caught him in a trap.

"Well we have all the same classes this year." He told her right when the warning bell rang. "Well we gotta go."

Riley grabbed his arm and pulled him away. Once the were far enough away the they both busted out laughing. "She's such a bitch."

"True." Aubrey said as they walked to their first class, science. When the arrived everyone turned to look at them. They always seemed to get everyone's attention when the walked into rooms. Today it was different, they looked with pity in their eyes. Riley looked down remembering her brother. Aubrey led them to the back and sat down. After sitting there a few people walked up.

"What's up Drake?" Aaron dapped Aubrey up.

"Hey Riley." Arianna said. "Sorry about Ace." Riley's jaw clenched. She knew she would hear that a million times today and she didn't want to hear it.

"Thanks." She didn't say anything else. More people walked up, they  wanted to be their friends. Something about both of them made people want to be around them, maybe that they didn't get into trouble. Too bad for them, they only stuck with each other. The bell rang signaling that class had started.


Once school had ended Riley was ready to go.

She almost ran out of the school. Aubrey was rushing to keep up with her.

"Riley slow down." He said. She slowed her pace a little. "Why are we in such a rush?"

"I'm tired of their pity." She told him. "I don't know those people like that."

He understood her, he didn't say anything back. They walked the rest of the 10 minute walk home in silence. Riley lead the way to Aubrey's apartment, he unlocked the door and walked in. She set her book bag near the door and went to get a soda. She grabbed two and meet Aubrey in his room. He was in the middle of changing his clothes, they didn't care, she walked in and laid on the bed. Aubrey finished getting dressed and grabbed his soda from her.

"So what are we doing tonight?" He asked her.

"I don't know, my mom went out somewhere." Riley told him. Her mom had been going out a lot at night. "But Aubrey can I ask you something?" He sat down and put his feet up on the bed.


"Have you ever you know.." She paused. "Slept with a girl?" Riley mumbled the last part and looked down.

"No." He pulled her chin up, so she was looking at him. "Why?"

"I don't know, just wondering."

"What made you think of that question?" He asked her.

"The other night when we kissed."

"Did you like it?" He smiled. She nodded. "You want me to do it again?" She didn't even have to think about the answer, she had been thinking about this all week.

"Yeah." He smiled and pulled her face to his. Their lips locked and soon their tongues twisted as they shared a passionate kiss. He pulled Riley into his lap and they continued. As they pulled away Aubrey kissed down to her neck and started sucking, leaving his mark. Riley put her hand up his shirt, stroking his toned abs. Aubrey pulled away from her neck and put his forehead against hers.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked her.

"Yes, I'm sure." She told him.

She leaned down again and kissed him. His hand made it's way up her shirt and into her bra. She moaned as he ran his hands over her. She removed his shirt breaking the kiss for only a second. She got on her knees and straddled him. Aubrey pulled her shirt off. He moved back down to her neck as she reached down and unbuttoned his pants. He gripped Riley's ass as she pulled his pants off. He was now left in his boxers while Riley still had her pants and bra on.

He made his way back up to her mouth and yanked her pants off. Their hands traveled on untouched parts of each others bodies. Soon Aubrey pulled off Riley's bra, then flipped her over so he was on top. He slowly reached down and started rubbing her through her thong. She moaned out as he did this. He slowly pulled the thong off all the way, so she was completely naked.

Riley pulled off Aubrey's boxers and ran her hand up and down his hard. He reached over and grabbed the only condom he had and slid it on. Once he had the condom on he lowered and positioned himself. He entered her at a slow pace. She dug her hands in his back from the pain.

"Aubrey fuck it hurts." She ran her nails down his back. She closed her eye at the pain.

"Do you want me do stop?" He looked in her eyes.

"No. Keep going." She told him. His strokes got deeper and she got a little looser , making it more enjoyable for her. She started moaning his name and he went faster. He brought his lips back down to hers. They shared a slow kiss until Riley broke it, moaning out Aubrey's name as she came. Her walls tightening around him pushed him over the edge and he came with her. He removed himself from her and rolled to his side.

Just like that there was confusion. What were they? Where did they stand? What would happen next?

Neither of them knew the answer to that.


Hope you guys like the new story so far! It's gonna get better.

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