Chapter 11

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*3 Months Later*

"Class is dismissed." Their History teacher finally said. Everyone quickly got up and exited the room excitedly, today was the start to winter break. Aubrey and Riley really had no plans except to sit back and relax.

The last three months had been uneventful, no leads to Riley's mom, no drama, nothing exciting. The only thing that happened was Jade moved, she said to Canada but who knows.

"So what are we doing over break?" Riley asked. They walked into their apartment.

"I mean we don't really have anything to do." He glanced at her. "You got any ideas?"

"I wanna go LA." Riley plopped down on the bed.

"You got money for that?" Aubrey asked her, as he pulled a new shirt on.

"Ugh, why can't we just go?" She complained. He walked over as Riley sat up. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I have an amazing boyfriend that could pay for it." She pecked his lips.

"You really think I have money to do shit? I don't have a job." He unwrapped her arms and laid down.

"Fine." She cuddled up next to him. She closed her eyes and Aubrey went through his phone. Right when she was drifting off she heard her phone ring. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen. Riley wasn't sure if she should answer it because the number was unknown.

"Just answer it, they probably have the wrong number." Aubrey looked over her shoulder. She pressed answer and brought the phone to her ear.

"Hello." She heard background noises. "Hello?"

"Oh, sorry." The person paused. "Is this Riley?"

"Um.." She was hesitant. "Yes."


"Yeah, can I ask who this is." She looked at Aubrey, he was closely paying attention to the phone call.

"This is Shay." Riley didn't move. She didn't respond. "Hello?"

"This better not be a damn joke."

"Trust me it's not." Shay said.

"You never call or visit anymore." Riley had tears filling her eyes. Aubrey tapped her on the shoulder, he mouthed the words 'who is it.' "Uh, Shay hold on." She put the phone down.

"Who is it?" He questioned.


"Your sister?" He was uneasy about what Shay called about, he knew it wouldn't be good.

"Yeah." Shay was Riley's only sister. She never talked about her because it was a touchy subject. Shay was 26 years old now, but she left Compton to move to Toronto at age 19, for prostitution as Riley called it. She worked in a huge business where basically, she lived with a pimp and her and her team brought money in for sleeping with guys. Riley didn't like it but Shay saw no problems. At first they thought she went there for modeling, but soon they all found out why she was there. Shay called when she first arrived there but now she never did.

"Why is she calling?" Aubrey asked. Riley held up her finger as she picked up her phone again.

"Shay? Sorry." She answered.

"No problem." She said. There was a silence.

"Did you call for something?" Riley spoke up.

"Uh yeah. I just needed to know why mom was here."

"What the fuck did you just say?" Riley yelled.

"Look, I was just doing some stuff and I saw her with one of the pimps. I think she might be trying to get in the game. I just thought of you, who's taking care of you? Ace?"

"No." Riley felt tears well in her eyes. "He's dead."

"Oh my God. What the fuck? You didn't think to tell me?" Shay was angry now.

"I'm sorry but so much happened at once, Ma left me once he died. I haven't been able to find her so I live with Aubrey." Riley told her.

"Is Aubrey nice? She sounds nice, I mean she let you live with her."

"Wait, Aubrey is a boy. My best friend." Riley defensively told her.

"Oh damn sorry but back to mom." Shay paused. "I need you to help me get her out of Toronto before she makes poor decisions."

"I can't, I'm in school and why can't you do it? I can't just fly to Toronto. How will I get there?" Riley thought Shay was crazy right now.

"Could you somehow transfer schools? I could get you up here and get you a place, but you would be alone." Riley turned to look at Aubrey who was still listening.

"I don't know Shay, I mean just drop everything and leave?"

"Just trust me, I got you. I can figure something out." Shay told her.

"You need to think about this and come up with a solid, full proof plan then call me back." Riley said. "And one thing to think about is I need to bring something."

"What is this something?" Shay asked.

"Aubrey, I need him or no deal." She heard silence.

"Really Riley, a boy? I thought you were smarter than that."

"Shay shut up, you don't know him." Riley said with attitude laced in her voice. "Just think and call me if you got it figured out."

"Okay, bye Riley. I'll try to call more, I'm sorry." Shay yelled through the phone.

"Bye." Riley smiled.

Riley wanted to leave Compton for Toronto but she made a promise that she wouldn't leave without Aubrey.


If you read my other stories I will be updating them soon. This story had kinda my attention the most.

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