Chapter 18

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Aubrey ran down the long hallway.

He couldn't wait to see her. He had heard she was unhealthy and he got there as soon as he could. All he knew at this point was to be prepared for the worst. Aubrey blamed himself for not being there, he thought if he was here he could have somehow stopped it.

He stopped outside the room she was in. He stood for a few minutes, gathering the courage to see her. He braced himself as he opened the door. He slowly walked in to see her sleeping. For what he had heard she was going in and out of consciousness and was weak.

He stared at his grandmother laying in the bed. His mother thought he should see her, before it got too bad. He hadn't seen her in a couple weeks. He sat in the chair beside her bed, as she stared stirring in her sleep. She opened her eyes and took a few seconds before she turned her head towards Aubrey.

"Aubrey?" She whispered.

"Hey Bubby." He smiled. "I'm sorry I haven't been around." He looked down.

"It's okay, I know you teenagers have busy lives." She smiled. "How's everything going?"

"Good, guess." He lied.

"Aw, Aubrey what's wrong." She reached her hand over and grabbed his. He shouldn't have been venting to his grandmother she had bigger problems, but he knew he could trust her and he needed to get it out.

"There's a girl-" He was cut off.

"Oh, a good girl? Do you like her?" She asked. "Think you'll marry her?"

"Bubby hold on." He chuckled. "She's my girlfriend, you know her."

"Who?" She smiled.

"It's uh, Riley." He paused.

"Oh, I liked that girl." She said. "She's a nice girl."

"Yeah well she's in Toronto right now." He told her. "She's been staying with her sister, but the past couple days she hasn't been answering her phone. I mean Riley's not like that, if she was done with me she would have told me."

"So you're worried she left?" She asked.

"I guess, but she's also been telling me she's been having  rough time." He continued. "I'm worried about her."

"Aubrey maybe you should go see her." Bubby smiled at him.

"Yeah, we don't have money though." He admitted.

"Do you love her?"

"Yes, of course." He told her.

"Then I'm sure you can figure something out." She told him, she started staring into space.

"Bubby?" Aubrey asked. Before he knew it she was sleeping again. He got up and walked out of the room. As he started walking home he received a call from an unknown number. He wasn't sure if he should answer it but he did anyway.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi, is this uh, Aubrey?" The lady asked.

"Uh, yeah." He told the person.

"This is Racquel." The person told him. He remembered Riley saying something about some girl named that. "Riley wanted me to call."

"Okay, why couldn't she call herself?" He asked.

"Well, she's been seriously injured."

"What do you mean, like dying?" He was worried, Aubrey was basically running home now.

"No, well we're not completely out of the woods about that." She paused. "She's just gotten hurt a little, some bruised ribs, a broken arm and leg, and a few bruises her and there." He could tell that it was worst than that.

"Let me speak to her now." He demanded.

"I'm not with her but," Racquel paused. "I can get you here by tomorrow, we're paying."

"What's the catch?" He unlocked his front door.

"Nothing, we will tell you exactly what happened when you get here."

"Okay, I'll come." He told her. He wasn't concerned about this being some type of set up, all he cared about was Riley.

"Good, you can stay at the house too." She said.

"Okay, just make sure she's taken care of." He told her.

"Don't worry, I will." She reassured  him. "I'll tell you flight details later."

"Okay, thank you." Aubrey hung up the phone and threw it on the couch. He quickly started packing a bag. He should have known something was up when she didn't call.

He couldn't shake the fact that he wouldn't like what happened and that he could have somehow prevented it.


Well that's it!

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