Chapter 19

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"Combeir please." Racquel begged.

"What did I just tell you?" He was growing impatient.

Racquel had been bothering him all day about some boy coming into the house and staying. From what Ryan understood he was going to be here for Riley. He had felt a little guilty for hurting her that bad, but he wouldn't show it. He was getting ready to leave the house for a meeting.

"Combeir she got hurt pretty bad." She said quietly. "She needs someone from home for awhile."

"I am not allowing anyone else in this house, I already allowed someone here and look what happened." He raised his voice.

"You would let Shay bring someone else." She mumbled before turning around to leave. He quickly grabbed Racquel and back handed her.

"Listen, Shay has nothing to do with this." He had so much anger in his eyes, it scared her. "I don't wanna hear another word about Shay or this boy. I don't even wanna hear about Riley, but I have to." He slapped her one more time. Racquel backed away, scared he would do something else, he had become more aggressive lately.

"Sorry." She bowed her head and exited the room as fast as possible. As she left Shay entered and closed the door. She could tell he was tense.

"Hey, when are you leaving." She asked.

"In about 10 or 20 minutes." He told her.

"Lay down on your stomach." He hesitated but laid down. She climb on top of him and rubbed his back. "What's wrong baby?" He usually hated girls calling him 'baby' or anything besides Combeir, but Shay was different. He knew deep down he loved her, but this business didn't allow love and he wasn't ready to give it up yet.

"Racquel has been bothering me all day about some boy coming to stay for awhile." He sighed.

"Well why not?" He moaned a little as she rubbed the right area of his back. "Right there?"

"Yeah," He closed his eyes. "But, I just don't think we should bring in more people. I mean look at what happened." She applied more pressure to the spot.

"Well maybe she just needs someone to come for a while." She leaned down and kissed his neck. "Come on Ryan, just give her a chance, if you don't like the boy tell him to leave." He sighed and turn on his back, Shay was still straddling him.

"You know I hate how you do that." She brought her lips to his. "You always know how to get your way." She giggled a little. "Tell her yes." She smiled at him.

"Just for that, I'll give you something special later." He could feel his dick get hard from the thought of what she would do. "Not now though, you gotta go."

"Damn." She climbed off of him.

"I'll tell her though." She smiled. "Thanks baby." She kissed his lips before leaving the room. Shay checked every room before she found Racquel in the kitchen, holding a pack of ice to her face. "Are you okay?"

"I guess." She sighed. "He's gotten worst lately." Shay would have agreed but he'd only laid hands on her one time, and he hadn't hurt her since.

"I have good news." She smiled. "Your friend can come." Racquel tensed up a little.

"How did you know about that?" She asked.

"Well Ryan said something about you asking and I convinced him." She said.

"Oh, good thanks." She hugged Shay. "Well, I have to go get him in a few minutes, I'll probably stop to see Riley on the way home."

"Okay, I would come but I have something to take care of." She told her.

"Okay." Racquel grabbed the keys. "I'll tell Ri you said hi."



Racquel drove down the street towards the hospital.

She had to admit Drake was hot. She thought he would at least look okay, since he was Riley's boyfriend, but not to the point where she wanted some of him. She would definitely hook up with him if it wasn't for Riley.

"So, uh where are you from." She tried to make conversation.

"Here actually, I moved to Compton around 10." He looked out the window. "What about you?"

"Here." She smiled. "So you're 17?"

"Yep." He answered.

"Well I'm 22" She told him.

"How long have you been doing this for?" He asked.

"Maybe a year." She pulled into the parking lot.

"Why?" He asked. "Why would you do this?"

"Drake, you're still young but I did it cause I had to." She pulled into a parking spot. "I was in a bad place and well this job pays off, free living and money, lots of it." He glanced at her at they got out of the car.

"So that's your story?" She started walking.

"There's more to it." She knew she was trying to impress him or catch his attention somehow, but it wasn't working. There was something about him that attracted her.

"Like what?" He asked as he pressed the elevator button.

"Well, I mean." She paused.

"Exactly." He said. She, in a way, love and hated his attitude.

"You don't know me or my life." She glared. He smiled.

"Sweetheart, I know a lot about you."

"Whatever." They stepped off the elevator. "You're cocky." He smiled a little and continued walking.

"You suck at reading people." He rushed down the hall.

"No I don't." She defended herself.

"Yeah, you do." He reached the hall Riley was staying on and had to hold himself back from running.

"God, you're rude." She rolled her eyes. He ignored her last comment as he slowly opened the door. Racquel stepped back, letting them have alone time. "I'll be in the waiting room." He kept walking, it was as if he was scared to see her.

Once he saw her, his face dropped. This was bad, worst than he expected, she had cuts and bruises all over her face and body, she had a cast over her leg and a splint on her arm. She was peacefully sleeping, with a few things hooked to her. He walked over to the seat next to the bed and sat down. He felt as if he could cry, but he wouldn't just in case she woke up. He didn't know what happened but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. He reached over and grabbed her hand.

He was sitting for about 20 minutes, staring at her body, so lost in thought he almost didn't see her move a little. He looked up to see her stirring in her sleep. Once she opened her eyes she turned her head, she winced a little, he could tell it hurt for her to move.

"Aubrey?" She whispered, tears filling her eyes.


Well that's it for now! Hope you liked!

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