Chapter 8

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"Damn Ri, I've been looking for you all day." Aubrey came and sat beside Riley.

Aubrey had skipped school and looked all over the place for Riley. She had been on the fire escape the whole time. She really didn't want to talk to Aubrey. He would ask why she lied, and why she went there. Fuck Jade, when she saw her ass she was gonna beat it.

"So I mean those pictures where real, but why did you lie?" And Riley was right about what he would ask. She looked down and didn't answer. "Come on Ri, just tell me you know I love you."

"Your gonna hate me. Then your gonna break up with me." She felt a tear roll down her cheek. "Then you're gonna kick me o-"

"No I won't." He pulled her closer. "No matter what I won't be mad."

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise."

"I went there to get answers, and he told me what I had to do." She paused. "Well he told me but in order for Trey to tell me was to give him head."

"Oh." Was all he said.

"That's all you're gonna say?" She looked up, he looked hurt. "Aubrey I only did it for my mom, he gave me good information. I'm sorry."

Aubrey got up and walked back inside. Riley knew he wouldn't like it, but it happened. She just hoped he would come around.

~3 Days Later~

Aubrey hadn't said three words to Riley since she told him.

All he said was 'yes' and 'no'. Riley had been going on her hunts for her mom alone. She respected the fact he didn't want to talk to her. She still tried though. Jade had been trying to be close to Aubrey, but it wasn't working. Nothing seemed to be getting to Aubrey, he wasn't talking to anyone.

"So Aubrey I'm going out today." Riley and Aubrey were walking home. Once he didn't respond she spoke again. "You wanna come?"

"No" He answered.

"Aubrey I think I'm gonna find her. You know? I have a feeling." She smiled. Once she looked over and noticed he didn't smile her face fell. "So what are you doing then?"

"Nothing." He responded.

"Well when I'm done I can do nothing with you." She said. "That could be fun."

"I'd rather do it alone." That hurt her a bit but she kept up her good front.

"Come on Aubrey. I mean we could have fun." She smiled.

"No Riley, we can't." He looked over at her. "Listen I just don't need you around right now, I mean you are just going around and sucking other nigga's dicks for free."

That made her stop, he never talked to her like that. "What?"

"You heard me." He kept walking.

"That's really how you feel?" She ran to catch up with him. "You think I'm some loose bitch, that just sleeps with other niggas? You know that's a damn lie. I did it for a reason." She grabbed his arm and tried to turn him around.

"So you can find your mom? News flash Riley no one in Compton has seen her, she's probably dead." Right as he said that he regretted it, but didn't say sorry or anything like that.

"You're right Aubrey." She dropped his arm. "Or you know what? She probably is alive but left her fucked up daughter. She probably thought, I'm a whore and I don't need her." She turned around and started running.

Aubrey could have called but he didn't.


Riley set down her book bag in the ally.

She hadn't gone home that day. She'd be damned if she'd go back to Aubrey, he would have to find her. She slowly sat down and rested her head on her bag. She thought over everything. She just wanted to know why he said those thing to her. She had a reason for everything, he knew if it was his mom he would do a lot of shit to find her.

She slowly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Riley slowly sat up.

Her back hurt but she got up anyway. She had to go to school. She whipped the dirt off her face and started walking the short distance. She wasn't in the mood for this shit. she walked into the school yard and through the doors. She, of course, was late. Riley opened the door to be greeted by Mr. Scott.

"Miss Chambers you're late again." He told her.

"Yeah I know." She looked over all the kids, until her eyes landed on Aubrey. She then took in the person beside him, Jade. Today was the day she was gonna beat this girls ass. She slowly walked to an empty seat.

"Mr. Scott I have a question." Jade yelled.

"Yes Jade?"

"Why is Riley wearing the same clothes as yesterday?" The whole class laughed. Riley got up and walked over to Jade. Before she could say anything her fists hit Jade's face. She knocked her on the floor and climbed on top of her. She repeatedly hit her face, not stopping. She felt someone's arms wrap around her and try to pull her off. Riley kept a good grip on Jade's hair and kept pounding her face. She finally let go and looked up to see blood pouring down her face. Mr. Scott grabbed Jade and back her away from Riley.

"That's what happens when you mess with me bitch. Don't let it happen again." Riley yelled. She was carried outside of the room and finally put down. She turned around to see Aubrey.

"Did you really just do that? She wasn't worth it." He told her.

"I don't care she fucked everything up." She was still heated. "And why do you care you fucking hate me. I'm the whore of the school. You probably were fucking her while I slept in a damn ally last night."

"What?" He asked.

"I slept in an ally, where the fuck did you think I was?"

"I don't know, you ran off not me." He said. "You had a choice, just like you had a choice not to make a fool of yourself in there."

"You know what fuck you Aubrey. You're such a bitch." She slapped him.

"You're lucky you're a damn girl or else I would beat your ass." He clenched his jaw. Just then Mr. Scott came out side.

"Riley you're suspended for 3 days and have 2 weeks of detention when you get back." He told her.

"Fine with me." She started to walk off.

"Wait, before you go I just wanted to say I would be calling your parents." She stopped.

"Good luck with that. When you find them, tell me."


Hope you liked! Jade is in the picture thingy.

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