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Ryan walked into Riley's room and pulled her out of bed.

"Get up." He said as she hit the floor.

"What the fuck?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked over at the clock, it was only 8.

"Get down to the living room now." He growled. She tried to cover the lower half of her body, she was wearing only Aubrey's shirt and a thong. "Go in that, I don't give a fuck."

"No, I do-" She was cut off.

"Get your ass downstairs now." Riley could tell he was angry enough, and since Aubrey wasn't home at the moment she did what he said. She walked out of the room as Ryan walked down the hall and started getting the other girls up. Once she reached the living room she saw a few of the other girls there. She wasn't the only one not dressed modest, Octavia and Rose were in their bra and underwear. The rest of the girls entered the room and found seats, they all knew it was way to early to be up. Ryan entered the room with his fists balled.

"I only wanna know where Shay is." He looked at all of them. "I know one of you knows where she is." He paused, waiting for someone to tell him where she was. "Tell me now." He yelled. None of the girls, except Riley, knew where to find her. "Okay, since none of you want to speak up we'll do it the hard way." All of them were scared of Ryan at the moment, he had never been this mad before.

He walked over to Octavia and slapped her as hard as he could. She yelped out. "Did that feel good or not?" He growled. She shook her head and tried to hold back tears. "Do you want the other girls to feel that?" She shook her head no. "Get one of them to speak or tell me who you saw with her."

"I don't know." He kicked her in the knee before moving over to Cali. He slapped her as hard as he slapped Octavia. "Tell me." She also answered with 'I don't know.' He slapped her one more time before moving to Racquel.

"No, please don't." She put her hand up.

"Racquel tell me." He raised his hand. She looked at Riley a second before his hand connected with her face. "Riley." He mumbled. Her whole body tensed up. He walked over and bent over in front of her. "Thanks to her Riley, I know you know." He grabbed her arm and pulled her up. "Since you can't speak up and they had to get hit cause of you, I'll do this in front of everybody." She tried to pull her arm away. "One last chance, tell me."

"No." There was no use trying to lie now. He brought his hand up. "But before you do any-" He slapped her across the face. She had tears burning her eyes. "Stop and listen for once." He was about to beat her again but he stopped. "Just stop for once and listen to what people have to say."

"Okay, say it. I doubt it will change the fact I'm gonna beat your ass." He told her.

"Before she left, she told me things." She paused for a moment. "Well first she told me to tell her if you beat me. That says shit about you, she knew you would do this." She looked at the girls. "Look at them, I doubt anyone wants to be here cause of you." Ryan could see they were scared of him, he looked back at Riley. "If you want to be a good leader you have to earn it, not beat up people to prove a point."

For such a young age Riley was smart. "Shay also told me, she was looking for something that she realized would never come." She admitted. "She could have been talking about something completely different but I think she was talking about love. Do you realize she thought you loved her, that hurts I mean just think about it." She looked up at Ryan and could see his features soften a bit, he was in deep thought. "Listen I'm sorry she left, but you gotta prove to her why she came here in the first place, not just the job."

Ryan stared for a moment before grabbing Riley's arm and dragging her to his room. She tried to free her arm and run, but he wouldn't let her. He pulled her into the room and locked the door. She backed into the corner trying to get away from him. He walked over until she was back into the wall, he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry for everything."

"What?" She asked, confused by his mood change.

"What you just told me, I needed to hear that." He released her and lead her to sit on the bed. She sat on the edge as he stood. "Please Riley, tell me where she is." He begged.

"I can't Ryan, I'm sorry." He dropped to his knees.

"Riley, please." She could see the tears in his eyes, he really did love her. "What if you lost Drake, you would want to know where he was."  She thought for a moment.

"I'll tell you." She was about to say something else, but he pulled her into a hug. Ryan wouldn't let her go, the way she was positioned she see his face. Riley felt the tears go through her shirt, she rubbed his back. She had never seen him cry before, but she knew he needed to let it all out.

"I'm just sorry for everything I've done to you." He loosened his grip and looked at her. "Thank you."

They both knew that this was the start of a new relationship between them.


I don't think I ever told you guys, but new book cover, if you haven't figured that out!

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