Chapter 7

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"So where are you going?" Aubrey asked Riley.

"I wanted to go see my brother's grave, you know pay him a visit." She told him. "Alone."

"Okay fine I understand." He paused. "Just be home before sun down. " He kissed her cheek and they said their goodbyes.

They had just gotten out of school. Even though Riley told Aubrey she was going to go see her brother, she wasn't. Riley couldn't get Trey's offer out of her head, she needed answers. So of course she was going to the trap house, she only prayed no on would see her.

She pulled her hood up as she turned the corner the trap house was on. Riley slowly walked up the wooden steps for what seemed like the millionth time that week. She knocked on the door, it was answered by Darrell.

"Name?" She rolled her eyes, he knew her name by now.


"You're back, as expected." He opened the door so she could walk in.

"Whatever." He lead her to the room and knocked.

"What?" Darrell opened the door.

"The girl is back." Riley walked around Darrell and he closed the door.

"So you thought over the offer?" He asked. "And I'm guessing you accept?"

"Yes." Riley slowly walked over to him. "But tell me the answers first."

"You think I'm stupid?" He asked.

"No, just tell me and I'll do it. You can shoot me if I leave without doing what you want." She told him.

"Listen here little girl, if you leave without doing it I won't hesitate to kill you." Riley nodded. "The last time I saw your mom was 5 days ago. She used to come every day but she hasn't been here since then. And I'm not sure where she is now."

"That's all you know?" She asked.

"Yeah, I've also heard rumors of her staying with a dude named Rodney." He said. "That's everything."

Riley dropped down to her knees and unbuttoned Trey's pants.


"Are you sure you're okay Riley?" Aubrey wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He'd asked her that question about twenty times in the past 15 hours.

They were walking to school now. Riley came home last night and Aubrey knew something was wrong. She was acting distant and not talking much. She hadn't told him about what happened and didn't plan to.

"Yeah, can you stop asking me that?" She said, they walked into the school yard.

"Sorry you're just acting funny." He kissed her forehead. As they walked up the stairs Jade approached them.

"Hey Drake." She said in her annoying ass voice, Riley hated.

"Hey Jade." He fake smiled. "Do you need something, we need to get to class."

"Um, I just thought I'd show you both something." She smiled and pulled out her phone. Riley and Aubrey waited there, they both didn't care what she wanted to show them. She finally showed them her picture. "So this was yesterday. I was just wondering why you were at that house." Jade said in a fake sweet voice.

"I uh-um.." Aubrey's arm dropped from around her shoulder.

"Yeah Riley what were you doing there? Weren't you visiting your brother's grave?" He asked.

"I just-" She looked at Aubrey with tears in her eyes. She quickly turned around and ran out of the school building. She didn't know how to explain what she did. She ran out of the school yard, not sure where she was going.

Riley just hoped Aubrey could understand, she needed to do it. How else would she find her mom?


Well it's short. I just needed a filler.

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