Chapter 9

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*3 Days Later*

Riley had finally gathered enough courage to go to the house and get her things.

She hadn't seen or spoken to Aubrey since she left school. Thoughts of him filled her mind every minute. She had been sleeping in the same place every night. Aubrey hadn't even tried to find her but she really didn't care. She thought that to him she was just a dirty whore that slept with everyone in sight. Right now she just wanted to find her mom.

She slowly walked up the steps. It was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, so he should be home by now. She knocked on the door and heard shuffling inside. When he opened the door he looked surprised. Riley felt every emotion possible, but she just really wanted to cry.

"You came back?" He leaned against the door, he was acting cocky.

"Just to get some of my things." She didn't make eye contact.

"Really Riley? You're not gonna stay?" He asked with any eyebrow raised. She pushed past him.

"No, why would I stay?" She walked into his room to see her stuff all over the floor. "You knocked my shit on the floor? You're a fucking dick." She bent down and started picking up the items she would need. "And why do you think I would stay, so I can get disrespected? You hate me anyway."

"No I don't" He said.

"Okay fine I hate you." She rolled her eyes.

"Ri, you don't hate me, so stop pretending." He walked over and bent down. Aubrey grabbed her chin. "In fact I bet you thought of me every minute you were gone. You probably thought how you love me. How lonely you were. Why you want me, actually no,  why you need me. How much you wanted sex. Am I right?"

Everything he said was true. She wouldn't admit it though."No, I didn't." She continued grabbing her things. He grabbed her arms so she couldn't move. "Let go of me." She tried to get her hands free of he wouldn't let go. "I swear Aubrey if you don't let go I'm gonna beat the shit outta you."

"Riley you can talk all your shit but we all know at the end of the day it never happens." She clenched her jaw and kicked him. He smiled. "You gotta try harder than that Ri." She struggled to get her hands free.

"Dammit Aubrey let go." He released her arms, when he did she tried to hit him. He blocked her arm.

"Baby you can't get me." He smiled. This made her madder, she swung her other arm and hit him in the chest, which wasn't effective at all. "That's all you got?" She balled her fists up, he was expecting her to swing again, but instead she threw herself at him. She climbed on top of him and hit his chest repeatedly. He flipped them over, so he was on top. He grabbed her arms and held them above her head. "You see you can't do shit. Try something." She tried to kick but the way he was positioned she couldn't do anything.

She picked her head up and bit him. She gain dominance again and they started wrestling for the top spot. They didn't know how long they were on the floor, but it was quite awhile until Aubrey was on top again. "You're a fucking animal." Riley kicked. "I hope you burn in hell, I fucking hate you." She screamed. "You don-" She was cut short by a kiss. She almost pulled away but instead she accepted it. His tongue tangled with hers. He wrapped his arms around her bringing her closer. Once her hands were free of his grasp, her hands snaked around his neck. Once they pulled away for air, he spoke.

"Riley I missed you and thought about you a lot, I'm not gonna lie." He looked in her eyes. "I'm sorry for everything I said, just come back."

"Aubrey I love you, and I'm sorry for what I did." She looked down. He lifted her chin up.

"Forget it, we're past that." He leaned down and his lips locked with hers again. Soon clothes started coming off, until they were completely naked. He reached over and grabbed a condom from his dresser. Aubrey was over Riley about to enter her. He bent down and kissed her neck as he entered. He went slow, painfully slow. Riley moaned.

"Faster Aubrey." He chuckled and sped up. She moaned his name over and over. He quickly pulled out and flipped her over on all fours. He reentered her at a fast pace. "Fuck Aubrey." He pulled her hair.

"What's my name baby?" He asked once he felt her walls tighten. she only moaned. "Huh?" He smacked her ass. "I know you heard me."

"Um.. Papi." She continued moaning as her orgasm hit her. He smiled that she called him Papi, she hasn't ever called him that before and he liked it. Once she came down from her orgasm, he flipped her back over and opened her legs. He entered her fast again. She clawed down his back as she shut her eyes. "Open your eyes. I want you to look at me while I fuck you." She kept them closed. He leaned down and bit her neck. He could tell she liked this rough shit. She slowly opened her eyes.

Riley brought her arm up and wrapped it around his neck, bringing her face to his. They shared a passionate kiss as she started to grind her hips against his. Aubrey's grip on her tightened as she continued clawing at his back. He felt himself about to cum but held it back waiting for her. Riley threw he head back as she felt herself cumming again. "Fuck Papi." She moaned as she shook from her aggressive orgasm. He groaned her name as he came in her. He ran his fingers through her hair and brought her lips to his.

Their relationship definitely wasn't perfect but in the end they needed each other, whether or not they admitted it.


Well there you go. Hope you liked!

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