Chapter 17

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Riley slowly opened her eyes.

She looked around, her vision was blurred and her head hurt. She was in a mostly white room and the brightest lights were in her eyes, she quickly closed them, the lights made her head hurt more.

"Riley?" She heard a familiar voice. "Are you awake?" She couldn't make out the voice talking to her, but she nodded anyway. She was about to speak but her throat felt like sandpaper.

"Can you talk?" Another voice asked. She brought her hand to her throat, sending shockwaves of pain through her body. "Need some water?" She nodded her head yes, still not opening her eyes. She heard a chair slide and someone get up.

"Do you know where you are?" She nodded no. "Do you know who I am?"

"No." She finally got words past her raw throat.

"Well you're in the hospital." The person paused. "It's uh, Racquel and Shay went to get you water. Do you remember what happened exactly?" Riley thought for a moment and shook her head. "We came home and we went to check on you. Your whole room was a mess and you were beaten up. I mean it was Ryan, but why would he do that."

Riley's eyes shot open, forgetting the light hurt them. "Can you dim the lights please?"

"Hold on." Racquel got up and turned one of the lights off, Riley opened her eyes. "What could you have done to make him hurt you so bad?" As she said that Shay walked in with a cup of water and handed it to Riley. She drank the whole thing in a couple sips.

"I uh." Riley paused. "I'm not sure, he just did I guess."

"Ri, you have to tell us what you did." Shay spoke up. "He wouldn't just hit you for no reason."

"I didn't do anything." Riley raised her voice, hurting her head. "He said something about business I think, I barely remember, maybe it was money."

"Money, like lost money?" Shay asked.

"I guess." Both girls got quiet and their mood changed. "Do you guys know something?"

"Well." Shay started.

"Riley, we're so sorry." Racquel looked down. "We didn't think he would notice."

"You did this to me?" She couldn't believe this.

"No, it's not like that." Shay said. "All the girls got together and well, we made a plan. We started taking small amounts of money, somehow Ryan I guess thought it was you." The room grew silent. "I'm sorry."

"I wanna go home." Riley's voice cracked.

"The doctor said you can in two days."

"No, I want to go home, Compton." She felt a tear roll down her cheek. "I can't be here, you said we would find mom. We haven't even tried."

"Racquel uh, can you leave for a minute." She nodded then stood and left.

"Just let me leave."

"Riley I can't." Shay said. "Somehow word spread, saying mom left. Basically I got a call saying you had to come here or stay in a foster home and I might go to jail you weren't taken care of." Shay paused. "So I lied and said I saw mom to get you here the easy way."

"Wh-what?" Riley's eyes grew wide. "You lied."

"I guess." She told Riley. "I didn't think this would happen."

"I need to go home, I need to see Aubrey." She cried.

"You're worried about some boy?" Shay raised her voice, she tried calmed down a little. "Riley, your life is here now, until you turn 18. Forget Compton." Shay got up and left the room. Riley zoned out for a second, and didn't hear Racquel come back in.

"Ri?" She spoke up.

"Yeah, sorry." She looked at Racquel.

"It's okay, the doctor said you could zone out sometimes." She paused. "But are you okay, I mean like your mind, not physically "

"Racquel I need you to do something." Riley said.


She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a number. "Call this number and tell them everything that happened." She paused. "You and the girls are gonna get money and fly them here."

"That's a lot of money." Riley glared at her.

"I don't care, use the money you stole." She raised her voice.

"Okay, I'll call and tell them everything." She tried to calm her down. "I got to go or Shay will leave me. I'll update you."

"Don't tell Shay or anyone."

"Okay, I won't" She started walking out. "I hope you feel better."

"Thanks." She crossed her arms.


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