Chapter 15

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"Riley get your ass up, meeting time." Shay yelled.

"What time is it?" Riley covered hey eyes.

"5, we just got back and Ryan wants to meet now." She pulled the covers off her body.

"What if I don't get up?"

"Uh, he'll be mad." She said.

"He's already mad, so let me sleep." Riley moaned. Shay grabbed her arm and pulled her on the floor and started dragging her. "Okay, okay let go, I'm up."

"Get your ass downstairs and behave." She rolled her eyes and stood. As Ryan had said they were having a 'house meeting' or whatever he wanted to call it. Riley wasn't in the mood, especially not at 5 in the morning. They walked into the living room and all the girls stared at Riley, she really wished Aubrey was here.

Riley looked around for a place to sit and noticed Ryan wasn't there and there were no more seats. Feeling uncomfortable she stood as all the girls glared, they obviously knew what had happened. Riley felt a wave of relief once Ryan walked in and eyes were off her.

"Okay we have to lay the rules down for the new person and I think you could all use a review, things are getting sloppy around here." He went straight to the point. "First off, you tell me if you leave this house and where you're going, if you lie there will be punishment. Second, no mouth or back talk. If anyone comes in this house you ask me first" He looked over at Riley. "Shay is in charge when I leave this damn house. Any questions?" She slowly raised her hand. He turned to her, if looks could kill she would have been dead. "What?"

"Uh, what's the punishment?" Riley whispered.

"Well this only applies to you." He paused. "No money that week and you have to clean whole house."

"I'm not a maid." She mumbled.

"Another rule, speak up." He said. "What did you say bitch?"

"I said I'm not a fucking maid bastard." Riley spoke up. The girls stayed silent as they stared. He walked closer.

"I'm in charge of this house."  He grabbed her arms. "And you will listen to what I say and not back talk." He shook Riley. "Get that through your brain little girl." He kept shaking her, this was more violent. He continued, and soon her head started to hurt, and the room started to spin.

"Combeir stop, you're gonna hurt her." Racquel spoke up.

"Racquel, I didn't ask you, so shut your fucking mouth." He yelled. His grip on her tightened and he stopped shaking her. She yelped as he continued to tighten the grip. "Now I know you're all talk, growing up in Compton shit. Don't let this shit happen again." He threw her to the ground. "Shay go up to the bedroom, now." She looked at her as she walked by, her look was sympathetic yet angry. "Now thanks to Riley over here, you're all cleaning this damn house while I'm gone tomorrow." He walked out of the room.

Racquel got up and helped Riley up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, my head just hurts a little." She told her.

 "I'm sorry he did those things." She lead her to the kitchen. "He usually doesn't get that mad, I mean unless you get him pissed. Is your nose okay from earlier?" She grabbed a pack of ice.

"It hurts a little, well my whole body hurts." Riley admitted.

"Ri, I'm sorry he did those things to you, I mean I'm sure you feel unwelcomed now." She passed her the ice. "I wouldn't wanna be here right now if I was you."

"I mean yeah, just everything is going to fast." I said. "I mean just the person I need now isn't here and I just wanna go home." Tears filled her eyes.

"Well, this is your home now."

"I know, why did I even agree to this? Shay hates me and just so does everyone." A tear slipped down her face.

"Hun, just give it time, things will get better." She walked over and hugged Riley. "Just try to lay low."

"That's what I'm gonna do from now on." She told Racquel. "I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Me too." She smiled at Riley. "Let's go." They made there way to their rooms. As they walked one of the girls called Riley a bitch, it took everything she had not to turn around and punch the bitch. "I'm right across the hall if you need me." Racquel said once she reached the room. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight and thank you." Riley said before closing the door. She locked it just to make sure none of these crazy people messed with her. She climbed into the covers and drifted off into a terrible sleep, filled with nightmares.


"How are things down there?" Riley asked Aubrey.

"Boring, you know you're not here." She smiled. "But how is it up there? It's only the second day but still how is everything."

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Good."

"Okay Ri, what happened?" He knew she was hurting.

"I just don't think they like me." She paused. "Shay's mad as hell right now."

"Oh God what did you do?" He asked.

"I- uh I, just back talked." She told him.

"That's it?"

"Well Combeir doesn't like that, he uh... he hit me Aubrey." She felt a tear roll down her cheek "We fought and she got mad at me."

"What the fuck? Back up, he hit you?" He yelled.

"Aubrey please don't get mad." She told him. "I just need to talk to you, I miss you."

"I know you do but he can't lay hands on you." He paused. "I'll be down there in a couple weeks, then I'll beat the shit out of that nigga."

She smiled. "You are coming in awhile?"

"Yeah, I promise." He told her. "As long as things go good here."

"Okay." She smiled. "I'm excited."

"Ri, I gotta go." She looked at the clock, they had been talking for more than an hour.

"Oh, okay." She didn't want him to leave, cause once he left Riley would have to go back to reality. "I love you."

"I love you too Riley." He said back. They said their goodbyes and Riley slowly got up.  She got ready for the day of cleaning she would have to do. Since she was out of school, for break, she had no way to leave the house.

She dreaded the weeks she wouldn't get to see Aubrey but she had to pull through, for him.


Two chapters in one night! Hope you liked.

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