Chapter 6

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~4 Days Later~

Riley slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

She looked on the floor and noticed Aubrey wasn't there. Yes, Aubrey had to sleep on the floor. His mom said she could trust them more. Either way it didn't matter because the only time she was home was to sleep, and that was during the day when they were at school. So at night they did whatever they wanted. The only day they had to worry about the rule was today, because on Saturdays she got home in the morning.

Riley swung her feet around the side of the bed and walked out of the room. She walked out and saw Aubrey watching TV on the couch. The TV was so low she could barely hear it.

"Why is the TV so low?" She walked over and sat next to him.

"Cause I didn't wanna wake my mom up." He told her.

"You could have watched in our room."

"Well then I would have woke you up." He pulled her closer.

"Will you come back and lay with me?" She looked up. "I wanna talk to you about today."

"Yeah come on." He stood up and turned off the TV.

"Carry me." She stuck her lower lip out. Aubrey rolled his eyes and picked her up. Once they were in the room he sat her down then did the same and pulled the covers over them. "Since we don't have school today I think we should look for her. And maybe go back to the trap house."

"Really Ri? You wanna go back?" He asked.

"Yes Aubs." She sat up and straddled him.

"I don't know Riley, I don't think its a good idea." He told her.

"For me?"


"Ri, why do I let you talk me into this shit?"

Riley and Aubrey walked up to the same trap house they had a couple days ago. Aubrey didn't wanna come but Riley always talked him into this shit.

"Come on Aubs it won't be that bad. In and out." She told him as they walked up the stairs.

"Whatever." He knocked on the door and the same man answered the door.

"Name?" He cracked the door.

"Drake and Riley." Aubrey answered.

"You're back?" For what?"

We need to ask more questions about her mom." He told him.

"Okay come on." He pulled them in and walked them up the same route as last time. Riley grabbed Aubrey's hand just like last time. They reached the office and the man knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Trey asked.

"Darrell" He responded.

"What the fuck do you want?" He questioned when he opened the door.

"Those kids are here again." He told him.

"Let them in I guess." Aubrey and Riley walked around Darrell. He left and closed the door. "What are you kids doing back here?"

"Still looking for my mom." Riley spoke up.

"Well this time it's gonna be harder to get answers." He said.

"How?" Aubrey asked. "Can't you just tell her if you've seen her?"

"I will only give her the answer. Riley right?" He paused. "I want you to leave the room." He looked at Aubrey.

"Why?" They both asked.

"Don't question. I wanna talk to the girl alone." He said more forcefully.

Aubrey turned to her and whispered to her. "Do you just wanna leave?"

"No just go I can do this. Wait outside." She spoke softly. "If he does something I'll yell."

"Okay." He kissed her cheek and walked out. He gave Trey a glare.

"Okay Riley?"

"Yes." she told him.

"Well if you want answers this time will be different." He smirked at her. "Come here." She slowly walked over to him and stood in front of him. "So what questions do you have?"

"Have you seen my mom?" She answered.

"Anything else."

"Has she bought from you? And do you know where she is?"

"Okay I have the answers to 2 out of 3 of those. But I want you to do something for me." He said.


"Get on your knees." Her eyes widened.

"No, why? I don't do that stuff." She backed away.

"It's your choice, either you want answers or not." He sat back in  his chair.

"No I can't do that."

"Fine but if you still want answers the offer is on the table." She basically ran out of the house. Aubrey was sitting on the sidewalk.

"Are you okay?" He furrowed his eyebrows. He knew she wasn't in there long enough for anything to happen.

"Yeah can we just go?" She asked. He got up and started walking home.

"Did you get answers?" He noticed she tensed up.

"No." She responded.

"Did something happen in there?"

"No, it was all good." He didn't question anymore after that.


Riley slowly started kissing Aubrey's jaw line.

He noticed she was a little weird since earlier that day, but getting back to herself. He pulled her lips to his. His tongue soon begged for entrance. When their tongues where tangled Riley's hands found Aubrey's belt. She slowly removed his pants, and started rubbing him through his boxers. She pulled away and got on her knees in front of the couch. Aubrey had never gotten head from her before and she had never given it. He wanted to know how good she was at it.

She took his boxers off and slowly rubbed his length. Riley bent down and kissed the tip on his member before taking the top in her mouth. She sucked on the top before she took more in. Aubrey moaned out as she gaged on him. He took his hand and grabbed a handful of hair. He pushed her head further down until he could feel himself in the back of her throat. He held her there for a few seconds, until she needed air. Once he let go her head shot up for air. She kept stroking him with her hand as she caught her breath.

She slowly took him back in her mouth. Riley was expecting the same thing to happen when he put his hand back in her hair. Instead he moved her head up and down. Riley reached up and took his hand off her head, she didn't need his guidance. Once she did that she took as much as she could fit in her mouth. He groaned out, loud.

"Fuck Ri. I'm gonna cum." Right when he said that Riley's mouth was filled with his cum. She wasn't sure what to do, spit or swallow? She slowly removed him from her mouth, after she had licked all his cum up. "Swallow." Aubrey instructed. Riley did as he said and swallowed it all. "Damn I didn't know you were that good at that." He pulled his boxers back on.

"That makes two of us." She winked.

She couldn't help but replay Trey's offer in her head. She needed to find her mom.


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