Chapter 10

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Aubrey watched as Riley tossed and turned in her sleep.

He wished he could go lay with her but since his mom was home he didn't have that option. She had been waking up and screaming in the middle of the night since she'd been back and she hadn't brought up the subject of her mom. This made him wonder if something happened while she was gone all those days.

Aubrey sat up a little, preparing himself to get up and calm her down when she woke up screaming. Right as he started to calm down, thinking she wouldn't wake up, she sat up screaming louder than usual. He kicked the blanket he had, and ran over to her. As he reached her, she swung her arms but he grabbed her arms to stop her.

"Riley, Riley calm down, it's just me." That did little to calm her. She continued to scream and kick, he wrapped his arms around her. These had been getting worst and he was going to find out what was going on with her."Shh, baby" He slowly rocked her. Riley stopped screaming and she sunk into his chest. She was breathing heavy, trying to catch her breath. He brushed his fingers through her hair. "Ri, just go back to sleep." He felt her trying to loosen up and eventually felt her breathing even out. He heard her light snores. He would ask her tomorrow.


Riley walked into the room and sat next to Aubrey.

He had his stomach on the floor, Riley stared for awhile until she saw him start to stir in his sleep. She reached down and traced his tattoos that she loved. That's the only thing that made them like everyone else in Compton, they had tattoos. Riley had two, one on her hip and the other on her ankle. The one on her ankle matched one of Aubrey's, an owl, except he had this one on his back. Since they were both born in October, Aubrey 2 days older than her, they got them together. Aubrey had 5 others. Her fingers lightly traced the ones on his back, as he turned his head towards her.

"Hey baby." Riley leaned down and kissed him.

"Morning." Aubrey said still tired. "You okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be." she furrowed her eye brows. That was another thing Aubrey was worried about, she didn't remember when she woke up in the middle of the night. He turned over and sat up.

"Ri, what happened while you were gone?" He asked. Her facial expression changed, he knew she would lie.

"Nothing." She answered.

"I know you're lying just tell me." He braced himself for what he was about to hear. She sighed.

"The two or three days I was gone, I heard things." She paused. "People told me my mom was doing drugs, and I know we knew that but I heard two other things. The people said she either skipped town or was dead. That's why I stopped looking for her, I realized there's no hope."

"Ri I mean there's still a chance." A very slim one.

"Aubrey cut the sh-" Right before she could finish Aubrey's mom walked in.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to say I'm about to leave. I left some money on the counter for you guys, please go to the store and grocery shop. I don't have time." She was in a hurry.

"Okay mom, we will." Aubrey smiled.

"I wish I could talk to you guys, but I'm late. You can stop by the diner tonight for some food if you want." She said.

"We'll try." Riley told her.

"Okay be safe today, you know how people are here." She was about to close the door.

"Ma wait, I wanted to asked you something." Aubrey spoke up.

"Tell me at the diner tonight during my break. Love you guys." She walked out the door without another word.

"What were you gonna ask her?"

"You'll see." He got up and started getting dressed. "But what were you saying?"

"Um.. Oh I just wanted to say I'm done looking for her, for now at least." She got up too and started getting dressed, so they could go to the store. "Aubrey just promise me we can leave when we turn 18. No matter what."

"Riley, how could I leave you here? I mean look at this shit, I care about you too much." He pulled her into a hug.


Aubrey lead Riley into the diner.

They walked over to the booth and minutes later were greeted by a waitress. The lady was older and noticed Aubrey.

"Well if it isn't Drake." She smiled. "I haven't seen you in God knows how long. You need to come more often, we could all use your company here."

"Hey Ms. Linda." Aubrey smiled. she was one of his mom's co-workers. "This is Riley, my girl- I mean best friend." He for got they didn't tell people, especially not his mom's friends. "Can you just tell my mom we're here?"

"Sure thing sweetie, and by the way that girl is pretty. Why is she only your friend." She winked. Aubrey laughed as she walked away.

"Nice save there." Riley winked.

"Yeah, you know I do wanna tell people about us, but you know we really can't. Just the situation." He smiled. "But I still love you." He whispered. Riley was about to respond when his mom walked over with a couple drinks for them.

"Thank God I get a break, I needed one." She sat down next to Aubrey. "We got 30 minutes."

"A simple 'hey' would have done mom." Aubrey said.

"Sorry, it's been a long day." She told him. "What did you guys do today?"

"We went to the store, lazy butt over there wouldn't do anything." Riley said referring to Aubrey.

"You need to get him to do stuff. He's gonna get fat, laying around the house all day." She smiled.

"Whatever." Aubrey rolled his eyes. They made more small talk until Aubrey spoke up.

"So ma, I told you I wanted to talk to you." He paused.

"Yeah." She looked a little worried.

"I just thought you would like to know I'm getting another tattoo." He smiled.

"What?" Riley said. "Of what?"

"I wanna get one that says ALL KINDS." He smiled.

"Aubrey I don't thing it's a good idea." His mom said. "Just you have so many."

"Guys I'm getting it no matter what. But I also wanted to tell you something else." He told her.

"What?" She was a little annoyed now.

"Well, we can't find her anywhere." Riley glared at him, she didn't want to tell his mom that. She thought for a minute until she realized what he was talking about.

"Aubrey this was temporary. We don't have money, no one does." She told him. "How can I support all three of us."

"I can get a job." He answered.

"No, I want you two both focused on school." She sipped from her drink.

"Ma, it's only for awhile, till the end of school. After that we're both leaving." Her eyes grew wide.

"You're leaving? When?"

"The end of the school year, we need to get out of here." Riley said. "There's no chance at a good, safe life here."

"So you're just gonna leave me alone?" They hadn't thought about that.

"You can come too." They both said.

"No, that's just not gonna work." She got up, right before she walked away she told them something. "And I'm sorry to say it, but you're both stupid if you think you can just walk right of town and never look back. Cutting all ties is impossible."

Deep down, they both knew she was right.


Sorry I haven't updated, it's been a busy week. Go read my other stories though.

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