Chapter 33

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~1 week Later~

"So you've made your decision?" Saint asked. Aubrey nodded his head.

"You know once you get in, it's hard to get out." Kain added. "It takes a lot more than you think to run shit."Aubrey thought over it, while all the pimps stared at him.

"I want to do this." He smiled, they all cheered.

"Welcome to life as a pimp." Combeir said. Chubbs pulled out a bottle of champagne and poured a glass for everyone, even though Aubrey was under aged. 

"We're gonna train you till you're at least 18." Saint said sipping his drink. 

Aubrey had thought over this decision for a long time, and had come to the conclusion he wanted to do this. He had yet to tell Riley, but it was too late now, he had a feeling she was keeping something from him too. 

He wasn't really concerned what anyone had to say about this, he was gonna do it, no matter what.


"What the hell are you keeping from me Riley?" He asked for the hundredth time.

Riley had her whole leg in a cast and couldn't move without crutches. Aubrey and her were sitting in their room, when he brought up the subject. He knew she was hiding something, she was always bad at hiding things from him.

"Nothing, Aubrey." She yelled. "I am keeping nothing from you. Why do you think I am? Are you keeping something from me?" He grew quiet, not looking at her. "What is it Aubrey?"

"I never told you but..." He paused. "I kinda signed up to be the next pimp." She stared at him.

"Are you fucking crazy?" She screamed. "Do you see all this shit they go through? What about what happened to me? Aubrey you think nothing through, say no. Tell them no." 

"It's too late, I agreed to this shit." He tried to control his anger. "It's not your decision, it's mine, and you can chose to live this life with me or leave." She stared at him. Riley wanted, no needed to be with Aubrey, but hated this lifestyle. She was stuck. "I told you mine, tell me yours." She looked away.

"I- uh." She paused, not really knowing how to tell him. "When I was kidnapped, it wasn't just Israel." She looked away. "My mom was there too, she helped him." Aubrey looked her in the eye to make sure she wasn't lying or just joking. 

"Why didn't you tell me Riley?" He yelled. "That's something huge, we need to know this stuff." He was beyond angry at her. "Did you not think about anyone else, what about your sister, how does she feel?"

"I don't know Aubrey." She was a little scared of him at this point.

"I'm so done with you right now." He said. "That's something we needed to know. What the fuck is wrong with you?" He got up and quickly left the room, running right into Shay.

"Whoa Aubrey, you okay?" She asked.

"Ask your sister?" He yelled before walking away. Shay was a little shocked about what just happened. She watched him walk down the hall angrily.

"What happened Ri?" She turned to Riley, who was just as shocked.

"He's mad I didn't tell him something." She admitted. Shay walked into the room. "I told him something I should've told you guys awhile ago."

"What is it?" She furrowed her eye brows.

"When I was with Israel, I saw mom." She told her. "She helped him torture me." Shay stood for a moment, not really knowing what to do.

"Really?" She felt tears threatening to leave her eyes. Riley nodded. "Why did she do that to you?"

"I don't know, just be careful." Shay walked over and climbed in the bed with Riley, she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. "This is shows we can't trust people we thought we could." 


"Aubrey please talk to me," He sighed and turned over in the bed.

"What?" He asked harshly. 

"Why are you so mad, Shay wasn't mad." 

"Riley, you realize I wanna protect you." He told her. "And you keeping shit from me isn't helping."

"Aubrey I'm sorry, I really didn't wanna tell anyone cause I couldn't believe it myself."

"What happened while you where with him?" Aubrey finally had enough courage to ask.

"He cut me and beat me with things." She didn't look at him. "He had a water hose and sprayed me with tons of water so I couldn't breath. He touched me too, if you wouldn't have came when you did he would've done more. But my mother laughed at it and encouraged it." He didn't say anything. "I did so much to find her, I looked everywhere, moved here, and did some things I regret completely. She just tried to kill me."

"Riley, I'm sorry." He rubbed her back. "I'm sorry for yelling at you and just for everything."

"What do you mean 'everything?'" She asked.

"I mean look what's happened to us in the last 8 months." He said. 

"Nothing was your fault though." She looked up at him. "And plus the past 8 months have been amazing. Even though I hate this kind of lifestyle, I still wouldn't trade it, especially not for the life we had in Compton." she paused for a moment. "Who would've thought Ace dying would trigger all this." She laughed a little. 

"Just think if we wouldn't have made that small pact, we wouldn't be here." Aubrey smiled, thinking over everything.

"A small pact can change everything in a moment's notice." Riley said before leaning over and kissing him.


That's it hope you liked!

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