Chapter 20

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Riley stared at him for a moment. She didn't know what to do.

She was surprised, shocked, happy and felt a little bit of anger. She wasn't sure why she was angry, maybe it's because he wasn't there for her, maybe it's because he didn't come with her. She knew it was wrong to blame these things on him, so she quickly shook that thought from her mind.

"You okay baby girl?" He leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead. She nodded, he was really the only person she would tell everything she'd been holding in.

"Aubrey I miss you." She felt herself about to cry.

"I know, I'm sorry baby. I'm here now." He squeezed her hand. She slowly moved over in the bed, causing pain to shoot through her body, Aubrey could tell it hurt. "What are you doing?"

"I want you to lay with me." He smiled at her and moved from the chair to the bed. "Talk to me." He whispered. "You haven't said much, and I know you're dying to tell someone." He ran his hand through her tangled hair.

"Aubrey.." She dragged his name out. "I hate it here."

"I can get you back to Compton if you want." He kissed her forehead.

"I can't leave." She stated bluntly.


"This was all a trap." She paused. "Shay had to get me up here cause she had to take custody of me."

"She lied?" He tensed up a little. "Ri, I can get us out."

"No, Aubrey you can't" She cuddled into his chest. "Just stay."

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere."

"I want you to stay, not go back to Compton." He rubbed her back.

"Riley, I-I ca-" He was cut off by Riley.

"Please." She sobbed. "I just need you." He sighed not really knowing what to do.

"I'll stay." He hugged her tighter, but loosened up when he realized he was hurting her. "Sorry."

"It's okay." She pulled him closer, as if she was scared to loose him. Aubrey had noticed it since he walked in, everything about her had changed. He could tell she was stronger, yet more venerable. He couldn't really explain it, but he knew whatever had changed her changed her forever.

He looked down when he heard light snores coming from Riley. He laid his head back and closed his eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.


Aubrey helped Riley down the hall of the hospital. He was almost carrying her, she stumbled and almost ran into walls. Racquel followed behind them as she held Riley's bags.

Last night Aubrey spent the night in the hospital with Riley. Racquel told Cobeir that her friend stayed at the hotel last night, just to get used to things. Riley knew as soon as she walked in that house Ryan would know something was up, she came up with a plan in her mind. She would tell him Aubrey's staying and she could threaten leaving and they take Shay to jail or they just make him feel bad for beating her.

Aubrey helped her into the backseat and climbed on the other side, while Racquel drove. She had been weak ever since what had happened, and making it through the hospital tired her. She rested her head on Aubrey's shoulder. They stayed silent most of the way, and soon they were back at the house.

He got out and again made sure she safely got in the house. He grabbed her hand and lead her inside. Aubrey was amazed by the size of this house. He hadn't really seen any house this big before. He opened the door and continued to help Riley. Racquel trailed behind with all of Riley's bags, Aubrey would get his later. He looked around amazed by the house.

Riley help a firm hold on his arm as they walked to the living room, they were meet with Ryan watching TV. He turned his head and looked at Riley, he was about to turn back when he saw Aubrey. Ryan slowly stood and walked over.

"Drake this is Combeir." Racquel said. "Combeir, Drake."

"So you're a friend of her?" He nodded towards Racquel.

"No." Riley spoke up, right as Shay walked into the room. "He's here for me."

"Nope, leave." Ryan turned and sat back down. "I've learned that girl brings nothing but trouble. All she's done is piss me off, steal, and lie since she's been here. She has to stay, you don't"

"What the fuck man?" Aubrey walked Riley over to the couch before going over to Ryan. "You don't know her."

"Are you sure?" Combeir asked. "Maybe you think you know her but you don't. Is it really fair to say who knows her?"

"Combeir, he's staying." Riley crossed her arms.

"You." He glared at her. "Shut up, I've had enough of you." Aubrey was beyond pissed but before he could speak Ryan spoke again. "And Racquel, you're gonna get it later for lying." He looked over to her.

"If he leaves I leave." Riley said. "He wouldn't be here if you didn't beat women."

"Do you know how much I hate you?" He asked. "He's not staying, that's finale."

"No, it's not." Riley raised her voice, hurting her head. "I want him here an-"

"Enough." He shouted making Riley wince from the pain in her head. "You don't run shit here, I do." It was silent.

"I'm leaving or he's staying." She crossed her arms. "Do you want Shay to go to jail?" He paused, she could tell that hurt him.

"Don't bring me into this." Shay spoke up, they had forgotten she was there.

"Shay, just shut up." Riley told her. "Or maybe you can go to jail for child abuse."

"Blackmail huh?" Ryan smirked. "You don't scare me."

"I don't care if I scare you." She had attitude laced in her voice. "Make the choice, I leave or he stays."

"You're a little bitch." He balled his fists up. "He can stay, you're sharing all your shit with him, even your room. I don't want him taking up space."

"Whatever." Riley rolled her eyes and stood.

"Racquel, my room, now." Ryan demanded. They could see the scared look in her eyes, everyone knew what was coming. She walked with her head bowed up the stairs and into his room, there was nothing else she could do. Riley felt bad, but not too bad after all he did but her in the hospital cause of all the girls.

"Don't fuck up, either of you." Ryan mumbled before walking upstairs.


That's it for tonight! Hope you liked.

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