Chapter 30

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"Who the hell could it be?" Chubbs said.

Ryan had called for an emergency meeting. They all knew they had to find Riley, people would do anything to get answers. Aubrey and Shay were the only two people in the meeting that weren't pimps. They'd been brain storming the past hour about the whole thing.

"As we said before it's probably the new nigga." Saint crossed his arms. "What we should be trying to figure out is which of these damn girls is working with that nigga." 

"Okay, he's been around for the last two months." Roxx spoke up. "It's obviously a new girl."

"It's the girl Combeir brought." Kain told them. Ryan looked at him.

"Ally?" He nodded.

"No, it's not her. I mean you don't know her." Aubrey defended her. "What proof do you have?"

"No need to get worked up." Kain said. "Just think, all this started after that bitch got here. I remember Combeir telling us he got a new girl and things went downhill. Just get her ass down here and we can ask her shit, if we're wrong, then we're wrong."

"It's wroth a try." 40 said. They all nodded and Shay stood.

"I'll go get her." She said and walked out. 

"You realize we need to find her soon." Ryan said. "He's looking for answers, and I promise she doesn't know anything. He'll do some crazy things to her." They all knew he was right. Even though the police were looking, they could find her faster. The police didn't know what pimps were capable of, they did.

The door opened and Shay threw Ally in. "This bitch tried to run." She pushed her in a chair.

"So we do have the right girl." Kain smiled. 

"Who are you working with?" Saint asked. She didn't answer. He got up and walked over. "Who the hell are you working with?" He slapped her.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Bullshit, why did you try to run then?" Ryan asked.

"I- I don't know." 

"Tell us what we wanna know and we won't kill you." Saint told her. He had always been the one to scare people, but at the end of the day Kain killed them. 

"You won't kill me." He chuckled and slowly walked away. He walked over to a drawer.

"Wanna bet?" He smiled. He pulled out a gun and started loading bullets slowly, scaring her anymore. "I mean I'm not one to kill but for answers people do crazy things." He laughed. "You know I didn't really like Riley, but she grew on me. I mean she had nothing to do with this war thing, so she didn't have to go." Everyone was quiet waiting to see what would happen. Saint slowly walked around the room loading the bullets. "Tell me Ally, what did you need to know so badly?" 

She didn't say anything, just eyed the gun. Saint loaded the last bullet. "Oh, you're quiet now, huh? Maybe you know, I will kill your ass." He cocked the gun and aimed it. "Where is he?" He brought his finger to the trigger. "Tell me." 

"Okay, okay." She yelled at the last minute. "He's at the old warehouse, by the lake." Saint still didn't move the gun. "His name is Israel, he's working with someone else, I don't know who though." She was breathing heavy, Saint still hadn't moved the gun. "He's gonna kill Riley once he gets answers. That's all I know. I'm sorry for doing this please don't kill me." She begged.

"Oh honey, I'm not gonna kill you. I never was." She let out a sigh of relief. "Kain was gonna do it the whole time." He chuckled lowly before handing the gun to Kain. "Come on." He instructed everyone. Everyone got up, except Kain, and followed him out of the room. 

"Aubrey please don't let them kill me." She cried as he passed.

"Are you kidding? You put Riley in danger, you deserve to die just for putting her life on the line." He growled. "You're lucky I don't kill you myself." Aubrey left the room and shut the door, he followed Combeir down the hall to a room he didn't know was there. As he opened the door, they heard the gun shot. 

Everyone poured into the room, filled with guns. Aubrey never knew about this room and was surprised by how many guns where here. All the pimps grabbed guns, stuffing them in their pants. Shay walked over and shoved a knife in her shoe and grabbed a gun. Aubrey followed suit and grabbed one. Kain entered and grabbed one, then they all started heading out.


"Stop." Riley yelled.

Israel had been torturing her like he had nothing better to do. He had taken a water hose and was spraying her face so she couldn't breath. The torture started off not so painful, him feeling her up but increase as his anger did.

"Tell me Riley." He said and sprayed her again. Once the water stopped for a moment she looked over at her mom.

"How could you do this?" She yelled right before a blast of water hit her. Her mom had changed. The was a different women in her mom's body. She had been watching all the torture unfold. She looked like she was on drugs for so long, they fucked her up. 

"Riley we just wanna know." She smiled. Israel turned the hose off and walked over to Riley. 

"That's not working." He told her. "You know Riley, I really like you." He ran his hands up her thighs again. She shifted, trying to get away. "I mean I really didn't wanna do this." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife. "It could have been so easy." He pulled the blade out and brought it to her face. She screamed as he cut her cheek. "It can still be easy baby." He moved to the other cheek and cut. The blood dripped down her face. 

He pulled the knife off her face and lifted her shirt. He slowly dragged the blade across her stomach. "I said I didn't know anything." She had tears running down her cheeks.

"LAIR." He yelled and cut her arm. He tried to compose himself, and brought the knife back to her face, this time cutting her forehead. "Why must you lie baby?" He asked, cutting across her head. He backed away and walked over to the table in the room. Riley tried to move to wipe the blood from her face. He came back over, with a bat in his hand. Riley screamed at the sight.

"Please, please." She cried. "I don't know anything." He brought the bat up and hit her right in the knee. She let out a ear piercing scream. "Please, please, please." She whispered. He brought the bat back up and swung right at her stomach. As he hit she screamed louder than before. 

She really didn't think she could handle this anymore. She started coughing up some blood. She saw him raise the bat again, dying had to be better than this. She let him hit her in her foot. She only let out a cry. "I don't know anything." She whispered. "I don't know anything." She kept repeating herself, thinking he would get the message. She heard her mom laugh in the corner. He brought the knife back out and cut right above her lip.

She didn't try to fight it, by now she'd given up on life.


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